.. and this thread is a prime example of whats really wrong with the industry, developers and pirates have thier little war on and its the paying customer who gets the shaft. In this entire thread legitimate customer complaints are completely ignored while you duke it out with the pirates. I do not give a shit how many people download your games, it is NOT MY PROBLEM, you do far more damage to yourselves fucking over your paying customers then pirates can ever do to you.
You want to go after illegal downloading, go for it, with my blessings, but DO NOT do it at my expense.
All this effort wasted on a impossible attempt to stop illegal copying, you want more sales? spend that money and effort making sure your product stays on the shelf. Look at all the top selling PC games ever, whats the one common thing about them (besides bieng good games) they are still on the store shelves, even after years you can still find these old games in your local store. So many times I have missed a game becuase I was just too busy with other things, then years later I want that game I passed up and I cannot find it in any store. How many sales are you losing becuase PC games have such a short shelf life, most people cannot keep up with the latest hardware and therefore cannot play the newest games and can no longer buy those older games that they can run. I bet if a store had every title released in the last ten years you would find that 5-6 year old games sell more units then the latest games.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin