Oh, you got me again Yifes. Obviously you live a life of extreme luxury to sit there on your fat ass, with a Starbucks Latte in your mouth and a HumVee waiting outside huh?
Ever take a look at our medical system? Oh, that's right, since you donate NOTHING, not even your fat ass time, to helping our elderly, and thus forgetting about them, you say everything is grand. See no evil.
Ever take a look at our judicial system? I use those words very lightly. He who has the most money wins! Oh, you're white, you never get in trouble. All men are created equal right? Hear no evil.
Ever take a look at our educational system? Not even in the TOP 10 of the world! That is right. Asian countries, like China, Japan and Middle Eastern countries, our KICKING OUR FUCKING ASSES at school. Creating another iPod or the latest Hip Hop album won't sustain America. Especially if we keep letting these people into America, allowing them the right to buy and own property, when their countries deny Americans that right over there. Speak no evil.
Keep living the American lie. And all appologies to Carmack if indeed he does donate so much cash. However, is he doing it like Oprah? Using the Angel Network where she actually donates VERY little when compared to her income, but uses her viewers money for her causes and takes all the limelight as being the one that helps out.
Is creating one $42 million dollar school in Africa a wise choice? Or would creating twenty $2 million dollar schools in Africas most promising area's be a better one? We don't make that call, but a nimwit like Oprah does.
Ya, Capitalism is great isn't it. Thanks Enron, thanks MCI WorldComm, thank Halliburton. We rape from the weak and give to the rich.... GREAT!
Read a history book, learn some economics your fucking moron!