It's funny how all of these high and mighty developers overlook other examples of "piracy" in order to blame PC gamers.
For example, game rentals. If console gamers feel questionable about a purchase, what do they do? They go rent it. What if a console gamer just wants to play through a games story and then never play it again? They go rent it.
I've done both with my 360. I rented Crackdown and deemed it was worthy of a purchase, however not good enough to warrant an immediate purchase. I rented Gears of War to play through the single player, I beat it and returned it, I have no desire to play it again.
So am I a pirate? Technically by definition of ID and the high and mighty developers posting here, I am. I played a game without buying it, in fact I was playing someone elses copy.
But oh no, the software organizations can't come down on rental places, they're a large part of their market share.
About 10 years ago you could rent PC games at video places. I actually purchased several games because of being able to try them at rental. Many games didn't have demos then and if they did, most people got their demos from magazines, which were selective about what demos they put on them.
Maybe they should bring PC game rental back? I mean afterall...the "piracy" of renting console games certainly isn't hurting console game sales, I would know because Mr. Hollenshead would tell me...and certainly NO one rents a console game or DVD in order to copy it at home.