Quoted for truth! well said, clifski.
clifski said:
if you steal the games, you don't contribute to the market, as I said earlier. You are invisible to the market because you aren't paying anything into it.
The worst irony in the world is pirates bitching about the state of the games market. If you opt out of the capitalist system, it's no good bitching about it.
I'm sick of arguing with the leeches and thieves here. You claim to care about PC gaming, but developers (remember them, the guys who MAKE these games you enjoy) are constantly telling you how its your actions that are killing it off.
The way most people see it, taking stuff you didn't pay for, and which isn't free, is theft. You can argue your way through 10,000 posts on the internet to try and make yourself feel better, but anyone who isn't a selfish leech already knows what they think of you.