I have done the same, as have most of my friends. We are IT nerds, if you will. Downloading everything, trying out stuff. watching that odd TV serie from the 60s you never thought excisted, trying games you had no knowledge of, listening to audiobook courses to learn everything you want!
Being a pirate is about socializing and being cultural. It's not about breaking the laws and refuse to respect other peoples work. But, the pirates are also the biggest consumers I think. That is how it is in my circle of friends.
Also, the game/app developers I know, share the very same feeling, they are no different than others. But we all need to respect the Authors work, so donation system is indeed a good idea to try out, but it must be implemented in a good way.
The problem is how the law is set up today. Should millions be criminalized? It is the full scale piracy is a "problem" (and it is not going away!), not the individual.
In the end, I think there must be some kind of "fair use", you can't possibly buy all the information you want. But support the things you like.
This comment was edited on Mar 10, 08:52.