Even if you pretend todd is correct, (I know its delusional all but bare with me) consoles have a Huge piracy problem, bigger than PC.
Those numbers are not id's losses to internet piracy. That's the entire industry, and those are hard piracy numbers. That's the guys in China who rip a game, press it, and resell it throughout Asia. Traditional "hard" piracy, so that $3B is computed from actual sales that don't go toward the developer and publisher of a game.
Let’s pretend that a nice round number of 10% of PC games are pirated
That may be true in the US, but the numbers in Brazil, or China, or even Russia are significantly higher. For some titles the numbers approach 100% in those areas.
Console piracy on the other hand is almost non-existent in comparison. Certainly far less than 5% and probably significantly less than 0.05%. There just aren't that many people with a mod chip in their PS2, even if you and all your friends have one, there are well over 100,000,000 PS2s out there, and you're suggesting that over 5 million of them are modded. Not a chance.
So minimize the numbers and the effect of piracy all you want if it helps you rationalize your own piracy. But Todd's basically correct, and you're basically wrong.
This comment was edited on Mar 10, 03:27.