Truth be told the PC market has become so dull of late that I can't remember the last game I pirated. I've purchased a few strategy games in the past 8 months, purchased a few FPS games in the past 18, but... that's it. I don't think I've seen anything I was iffy enough to pirate (Like many, I pirate what I wouldn't buy, and occasionally buy what I pirate.)
I'd say in the past three years I've pirated one game and purchased six, maybe. About that.
I don't pirate what I plan to buy. That would just make the situation worse. But there's been so little I've had interest in. FPS games are still better on the PC, as are strategy games, but quality has been hard to find in either genre. There are some big games on the horizon, but they've been there forever.
And I wish I had pirated Doom 3 instead of purchased it. I purchased it full price, $59, first and last game I bought at full price in years and years. And I played it 2 to 4 hours. I get more value at overpriced movie theaters.
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