Its not that im a rabid fan. I like Helf Life 2, I really did.
My problem is two fold:
1- I cant stand episodic content, most companies cant get it right (Sam & Max seems to be the only exception), but to top it off, its an obvious money grabbing scam. Using HL2 as the example, they release the game back in '04 (I think) with a nice engine, then over the next few years they release the 3 'episodes' which added up equal about the full cost of a regular full release of a game. Except your not getting your moneys worth.
There is no new engine bar a few minor updates, a few new textures and models but really just a big rehash of previous stuff and some more voice acting.
The claim of the total play time being equal is false too as the start of each of these episodes has to dedicate time to orientation, story telling, and then building you up to a full aresenal of weapons. From a Devs point of view thats great, its easy to give the player a one or two weapon situation with limited enimies than it is to give them a much larger situation in which the player has more at his disposal. The player looses out on these better scenarios and the stop-start element of playing each episode in a row.
(hmm my second point was kinda folded in the above).
Im not saying that the Episodes are not fun to play, but they rob the player of so many things that the supposed trade off of being able to play every 6 months or so (ha!) is not worth it.
Diablo & Diablo 2 for the DS, it makes sense Blizzard!
Diablo & Diablo 2 for the DS, it makes sense Blizzard!