Im sitting with a gun to my head not my own thumbs up my arse. That gun is DirectX and game engine companies.
As for me not contributing, I am not a graphics developer and nor do I wish to be one, and as for contributing money? Why? They can get that money from graphics card companies and game engine companies if they really really had an interest in OpenGL, just like many companies contribute to Mozilla, Linux and so on. The same applies to OpenGL if you wish to go down that road.
The graphics chip companies can contribute money and skill to OpenGL, they are the right people to do so. Not gamers as you claim that should sit down and hack code, thats a bullshit lame response if I ever hard it, the same bullshit comes from the GIMP fanbois, if you dont like it contribute code, erm no I use gimp as an artist not a developer, you see that is what is wrong with opensource, the attitude, and it is the reason why it fails, OpenGL is a good exmaple of a failure, so is GIMP etc I can go on. OpenGL is dead in the gaming world. Period, because of this stupid attitude. has no central body? According to OpenGL themselves they have a review board, that seems an accountable group to me and a body to contact.
"The OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB), was an independent consortium formed in 1992, that governed the future of OpenGL, proposing and approving changes to the specification, new releases, and conformance testing. In Sept 2006, the ARB became the OpenGL Working Group under the Khronos Group consoritum for open standard APIs."
They dont seem to care about gaming adoption of OpenGL.
What killed OpenGL was the XBox. Period.
Graphics companies and game engine companies dont give a rats ass about OpenGL, if they did they would contribute. They dont as they want into the CONSOLE market.
OpenGL does not want into the gaming market.
This comment was edited on Jan 28, 14:22.