Crysis Q&A

Crysis Charges Forward on IGN is a Q&A on the upcoming first-person shooter with Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli: "The goal really is to ensure that all of the suit's functionality is equally useful. Obviously in a heavy fight you might want to dial up the armor but you could perhaps use strength instead and pickup a large fuel drum and throw it into the enemy. Other options could include cloaking and using enhanced speed to quickly flank around and taking out the enemy from behind. Watching people play the game so far has proven that there a ton of creative ways in which to take on the enemy. We have seen some pretty wacky things and approaches that really show that there is never really ONE way to win."
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DX10 vs OGL
Jan 28, 2007, 10:22
DX10 vs OGL Jan 28, 2007, 10:22
Jan 28, 2007, 10:22
Why wont the OGL devs do something to compete and get more adoption of OGL? Don't they care about OGL?

I am not going to Vista and therefore shall refuse to pay full price for a game when I will not get full benifit from it.

I think I will wait until it drops in price.

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 10:24.
Re: DX10 vs OGL
Jan 28, 2007, 10:59
Re: DX10 vs OGL Jan 28, 2007, 10:59
Jan 28, 2007, 10:59
Well for starters because it's OPEN gl. If you really want it updated, go for it. It also doesn't help that DX10 just came out, along with the first DX10 graphics card. It will take a while for the new hardware features to be broken down and translated to something other than DX10; bear in mind, DX10 and Nvidia were working with their dicks tied together on this one.

"Oh how awful. Did he at least die peacefully? To shreds you say. Well, how's his wife holding up? To shreds you say."
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: DX10 vs OGL
Jan 28, 2007, 12:02
Re: DX10 vs OGL Jan 28, 2007, 12:02
Jan 28, 2007, 12:02
Go for it? Oh yeah we all want to sit and stare at lines of hacked up code. Eerm no, thats always the lame pathetic excuse for open source, OGL is more than just open source, our graphics cards implement it and games develope on it. I think you have to pull your head from your arse and quit your "elite" "oh if you dont like it change it" well for one I dont have the knowledge to do it and two I dont really give a shit about it at the code level.

Well, if that is what you want "oh fuck it its open so do it yourself" attitude then I suggest you promptly run out and buy Vista and lube up.

Enjoy the coffin that you built yourself.

I switch off when I hear opensource nowdays as it usually boils down to that attitude.

I suggest they keep it to themselves and stop pushing Open GL onto grahpics cards and pushing it as a "standard" as they obviously have no intention of supporting it and keeping up.

Quote: "The industry standard for high performance graphics"

Everything I read on this page is a blandant lie, if it is so standard then howcome they are adopting DirectX 10 more and more?

Why are they not out getting more and more uptake of OGL?

The reason OGL is not being adopted must either be 1) Licensing issues or 2) its a piece of shit.

Which is it?

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 12:13.
No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 12:19
No subject Jan 28, 2007, 12:19
Jan 28, 2007, 12:19
gotta hate those blandant lies

music from space captain:
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 12:22
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 12:22
Jan 28, 2007, 12:22
Yup OGL is not industry standard, DirectX is in the gaming world it seems.

I really would like to upgrade to Mac OS X but its not going to happen as we get more and more DXnn adoption.

While they are working on improving virtualisation graphics rendering, it would be much nicer if we just had a great cross platform standard, period. OGL *COULD* potentially be it but its not. Oh well.

I use Vista at work all day and its a piece of udder crap.

This is the way a thread goes every time it mentions DirectX10. Why? Because nobody wants to use Vista.


This comment was edited on Jan 28, 12:28.
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 12:29
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 12:29
Jan 28, 2007, 12:29
It isn't rocket science; DirectX is a private, Microsoft-owned venture. They have dumped money into making sure DirectX video is the standard. Games flaunt "DirectX 10 graphics" because nVidia is paid by Microsoft to create DirectX 10 graphics cards.

Open GL is open source. People go where the money is.

Any in case you didn't notice, Unreal Engine is now strictly DirectX, and people are eating up that engine.

"Oh how awful. Did he at least die peacefully? To shreds you say. Well, how's his wife holding up? To shreds you say."
This comment was edited on Jan 28, 12:36.
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 12:34
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 12:34
Jan 28, 2007, 12:34
And OS X and Linux uses OGL.

So what, its not rocket science, if you want to have the potential to have your engine sold to companies that wish to get into other platform markets then you use OGL.

NV has OGL AND DX built in. NV has both camps. It is the game engine developers.

Yes, NV likes to be in the XBox hardware so they suck it up.

The reason DirectX is the REAL STANDARD is because game engine companies want into the CONSOLE market and dont give a rats ass about the PC market, Period.

Gaming on Mac and Linux will NEVER happen while OGL sits with their thumbs up their arses. They have become the Matrox of graphics. Who? Yup thats what people think outside of the lab, or vision system, Matrox who? OpenGL who?

You cant always fall back on this "Open" bullshit. They are not just "open" they are claiming and trying to be as they put it in their own words "The INDUSTRY STANDARD", that has NOTHING to do with being Open, you can be a standard without being open as DirectX proves.

I guess you must want to fork out for Vista. I like many don't.

We can always vote with our wallets, which I will do. I wont be buying this at its full price as I wont get full benifit.

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 12:37.
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 13:10
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 13:10
Jan 28, 2007, 13:10
Why wont the OGL devs do something to compete and get more adoption of OGL? Don't they care about OGL?

Gaming on Mac and Linux will NEVER happen while OGL sits with their thumbs up their arses. They have become the Matrox of graphics. Who? Yup thats what people think outside of the lab, or vision system, Matrox who? OpenGL who?

With a name like m00zilla, I'm surprised you don't understand the issues with open source development. One of the larger issues is that there is no central body pushing open standards. Microsoft spends a lot of money making developer tools and providing developer support for DirectX. The developers of OpenGL are software developers. They write lines of code. There are no people trying to get game houses to adopt OpenGL. The main reason for this is cost. The vast amount of open source contributions are in time, not dollars.

A previous poster mentioned that you should contribute to OpenGL. That's how open software development works. If you can't contriute code, perhaps you can contribute money, or perhaps something else. So while you're saying OGL sits with their thumbs up their ass. I say you are sitting with your thumb up your own ass.

Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 13:33
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 13:33
Jan 28, 2007, 13:33
Im sitting with a gun to my head not my own thumbs up my arse. That gun is DirectX and game engine companies.

As for me not contributing, I am not a graphics developer and nor do I wish to be one, and as for contributing money? Why? They can get that money from graphics card companies and game engine companies if they really really had an interest in OpenGL, just like many companies contribute to Mozilla, Linux and so on. The same applies to OpenGL if you wish to go down that road.

The graphics chip companies can contribute money and skill to OpenGL, they are the right people to do so. Not gamers as you claim that should sit down and hack code, thats a bullshit lame response if I ever hard it, the same bullshit comes from the GIMP fanbois, if you dont like it contribute code, erm no I use gimp as an artist not a developer, you see that is what is wrong with opensource, the attitude, and it is the reason why it fails, OpenGL is a good exmaple of a failure, so is GIMP etc I can go on. OpenGL is dead in the gaming world. Period, because of this stupid attitude.

OpenGL has no central body? According to OpenGL themselves they have a review board, that seems an accountable group to me and a body to contact.

"The OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB), was an independent consortium formed in 1992, that governed the future of OpenGL, proposing and approving changes to the specification, new releases, and conformance testing. In Sept 2006, the ARB became the OpenGL Working Group under the Khronos Group consoritum for open standard APIs."

They dont seem to care about gaming adoption of OpenGL.

What killed OpenGL was the XBox. Period.

Graphics companies and game engine companies dont give a rats ass about OpenGL, if they did they would contribute. They dont as they want into the CONSOLE market.

OpenGL does not want into the gaming market.

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 14:22.
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 14:41
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 14:41
Jan 28, 2007, 14:41
Why have Linux and OSX come up in a discussion about gaming?

Especially a discussion about the money behind gaming?

How many games hit OSX?
How many games hit Linux?
Before you say "it's because they're all DirectX," how do those games sell?

Why even bring them up?

Doomriders: the first new band worth a signature -
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 14:48
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 14:48
Jan 28, 2007, 14:48
Since the subject of contribution of "open source" was brought up, why not bring up these as examples of companies with interest in these technology stacks contributing to them instead of the "user", in this case the gamer, I think it is absurd to expect a gamer / user / customer to contribute code to the technology stack. That actually is laughable, even if they could, you really think they can get it in the mainline branch. Lolerskates. Good luck with that And even more laughable, they sit wondering why nobody is using their technolgoy, in this case, OpenGL. Gee , lets think. I wonder why.

IBM and various other companies with interest contribute to Linux.

Nvidia and AMD and Epic and various other companies with interest can contribute to OpenGL.

Same principles apply whether it is gaming or not.

But no, you expect the GAMER, people who play the games to actually do the contribution. Funniest thing I have heard ever.

That is like asking the artist Andy Warhol to contribute to GIMP.

Why have a discussion about PC's and gaming as gaming is just for consoles, not personal computers whether it is Windows, Linux or OS X.

How many games hit Windows PC's, not many compared to the console market, how many games hit OS X, not many as OpenGL is dead, how many hit Linux, not many because of their open source attitude and OpenGL is dead.

This site should be for consoles only as gaming on personal computers won't exist at this rate

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 15:00.
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:03
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:03
Jan 28, 2007, 15:03
Go fuck a cow, m00boy. No one cares about the inane bullshit (pun intended) that you're spewing forth from your bovine rear orifice. Shut the fuck up or continue your lame crusade on some rebellious anti-MS site, will ya please? kthx

*** Born to troll ***
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:03
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:03
Jan 28, 2007, 15:03
Go fuck a cow, is that the best you can come up with?

I guess one has to resort to that if one cannot counter the discusson.

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 15:09.
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:08
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:08
Jan 28, 2007, 15:08
Pretty much, yeah. Or fuck a herd... that better?

*** Born to troll ***
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:10
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:10
Jan 28, 2007, 15:10
Why have a discussion about PC's and gaming as gaming is just for consoles, not personal computers whether it is Windows, Linux or OS X.

How many games hit Windows PC's, not many compared to the console market, how many games hit OS X, not many as OpenGL is dead, how many hit Linux, not many because of their open source attitude and OpenGL is dead.

Why discuss gaming on PCs? Because companies make a lot of money releasing games on PCs.
How many companies make money releasing them on OSX and Linux?

And is that a reflection of OpenGL or a reflection of the market?
If OSX and Linux games sold you'd see OpenGL being relevant. But they don't sell. Not enough people care about them.

Gaming wasn't common on those platforms when OpenGL ruled the day. It isn't common now. OpenGLs rise and fall had nothing to do with it. But the failure of gaming to latch on to those markets clearly has something to do with the fall of OpenGL.

You need to reinterpret the cause and effect.

Doomriders: the first new band worth a signature -
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:11
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:11
Jan 28, 2007, 15:11
They make an even bigger cartload of money on consoles, and OpenGL is not on the console technology stack. They want the least effort path and DirectX is that path (for XBox and PC's). PC's are an afterthought in games nowdays more and more, consoles being their primary market.

The other platforms wont ever take off without OpenGL on them thereby giving access to all 3 platforms BUT that wont include Consoles until they can get the API's onto that platform too.

Consoles is the main driver now and Microsoft owns that market with DX.

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 15:16.
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:23
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:23
Jan 28, 2007, 15:23
If PC gaming is an afterthought than why would they bother with DX10 for example? DX10 is not on consoles, and since every 5 years is the time spam of the consoles for the next 4-5 years DX10 will not be on consoles.

Steam: SpectralMeat
Avatar 14225
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:26
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:26
Jan 28, 2007, 15:26
Well cause Vista has it's AERO interface that if I read correctly takes advantage of DX10.

Overall, guys get a fucking divorce already. If ya wanna play 'lets see who can piss the most on X subject' take it elsewhere.

Avatar 12670
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:27
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:27
Jan 28, 2007, 15:27
As far as i am concerned OpenGL is for professional Graphics CAD CAM systems and for Mac or Linux. DirectX is for gaming, and it is ok that way. As for Microsoft try to make more and more money, of course they are in the business to make money not to give away their OS for free. (Not like they could't have) The more expensive they make their OS the more hackers will crack it and distribute it for free. It's always been this way and it will always be this way. And as far as i know Microsoft well aware of that. If you don't want to pay for Vista and DX10 that's fine get a cracked version. It is easier than ever these days.

This comment was edited on Jan 28, 15:28.
Steam: SpectralMeat
Avatar 14225
Re: No subject
Jan 28, 2007, 15:35
Re: No subject Jan 28, 2007, 15:35
Jan 28, 2007, 15:35
PS3 uses an implementation of OGL, so stop blaming OGL's downfall on the rise of console games, especially when the top player (up to now, at least) happens to use OGL.

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