Why wont the OGL devs do something to compete and get more adoption of OGL? Don't they care about OGL?
Gaming on Mac and Linux will NEVER happen while OGL sits with their thumbs up their arses. They have become the Matrox of graphics. Who? Yup thats what people think outside of the lab, or vision system, Matrox who? OpenGL who?
With a name like m00zilla, I'm surprised you don't understand the issues with open source development. One of the larger issues is that there is no central body pushing open standards. Microsoft spends a lot of money making developer tools and providing developer support for DirectX. The developers of OpenGL are software developers. They write lines of code. There are no people trying to get game houses to adopt OpenGL. The main reason for this is cost. The vast amount of open source contributions are in time, not dollars.
A previous poster mentioned that you should contribute to OpenGL. That's how open software development works. If you can't contriute code, perhaps you can contribute money, or perhaps something else. So while you're saying OGL sits with their thumbs up their ass. I say you are sitting with your thumb up your own ass.