Theres so much emphasis on quasi-realism nowadays that half of the shooters released are mind-numbingly boring
Heh I hear you. Im old school too, most of these kids probaly dont remeber the days of getting excited when Doom hit the old Radio Shack and you could play against each other on an IPX network. Then it hit the web and it was like Wow.
I think too much realism can make for a boring game. I know there is an audience for realistic war games, but I honestly think that most Mulitplayer fps gamers want more war games with better immerssion, outdoor environements, vehicles etc, but with some combined method of making the actual gameplay faster then realistic movement. Thats why I always bring up Tribes because its a great example. Maybe a bit ahead of its time. I think ET Quake Wars is getting it, but they do seem to emphasis the whole linear thing a bit too much.