This is a fact of gaming, get over it and just beat them.
If you are always dying, run faster.
If you have not enough assets, go steal them or beg for them.
Its all part of the game IMHO. You are just jealous because they are succeeding better than you perhaps.
Same in real life, jealous somebody has more money than you? Go get some more money then, plenty of places to get it, stock market, work, create something of value etc.
Get over it and stop crying "cheat cheat" when you are the one that are holding yourself back
He has more than me, thats not fair, im going to tell on you - Spams GM with messags crying.
I dont sink my time nor money into these games anymore because 1) its just a waste of real life time and money and 2) cry babies like all of you crying "cheat".
GET A LIFE AND MOVE ON! If you already have a life, try getting a Second Life then
This comment was edited on Dec 22, 16:57.