New Ship to Sail, CS Cheaters Banned, & More

A new Steam Message is online (thanks Frans), clueing us into the latest hot happenings on the Steam service. The message mentions the availability of Medieval II: Total War, a new edition of the Steam Hardware Survey, the fact that the new Valve Anti-Cheat Technology has banned 10,000 cheaters, at least scratching the surface in the world of Counter-Strike: Source, the coming of RACE next week, and that a new single-player edition of The Ship is coming on November 20.
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Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 22:25
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 22:25
Nov 19, 2006, 22:25
1) CS:S comes with bots, renderring your main defense moot. And they don't follow "scripted paths." Generally, your argument is idiotic as you don't know what you're talking about. You clearly have no experience with the CS:S bots and have only used outdated bots in other games.

2) You guys need to learn the definition of "constant." Even if I master the bots, they're still a constant challenge, as opposed to a variable challenge. They're never any more or any less challenging - they're a constant. You'd think a board full of gamers would understand mathematical definitions.

3) As someone else mentioned, playing bots is like playing Freecell. You have a game started within seconds. You never have to worry about joining just before a map change. You never have to worry about people completely unwilling to balance teams, nor do you need to worry about an autobalance shifting you when you've found a player or two you work well with.

4) People suck. Yes, they do some interesting things, but for the most part all I ever found online was people whining or trying to be shocking. Even on great servers where 20 or 30 people were regulars, at most 10 of us would be on at a time, with the rest of the server populated by idiots.

5) I don't care about playing people. I used to, a long time ago. I used to be very highly rated on theclq, used to dominate just about any server I went to. But I played the early CS betas probably 21 hours a week, probably more. I was in college and never went to classes, so played a lot while everyone else was in class. Don't care anymore. I'm rusty, and people are annoying. I prefer single player experiences.

Doomriders: the first new band worth a signature -
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 20:27
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 20:27
Nov 19, 2006, 20:27
Dude, you're fucking stupid. The fact that it was a multi-player only mod has absolutely no bearing on whether it should or shouldn't have bots, and whether it is or isn't fun playing with bots. It is absolutely 100% your opinion.

The fact that any game or mod shipped with bots or not means not a fucking thing. It means they didn't want to bother, it means they didn't have the budget, didn't have someone interested in doing it to a high quality level, etc.

You're a fucking bigot plain and simple. You try to pass off your opinion as fact to trash anyone elses preference to play a game differently from you. To you if someone enjoys playing bots more than people there is something wrong with them. You can't accept easy explanation from these people for the reasons why, and instead comeback with responses of how they are doing something wrong not to be enjoying multiplayer. The world doesn't follow 1 train of thought.

Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 19:45
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 19:45
Nov 19, 2006, 19:45
It isn't an opinion you fucking twat, it CS was supposed to be played with bots it would have fucking COME WITH BOTS.

"Oh how awful. Did he at least die peacefully? To shreds you say. Well, how's his wife holding up? To shreds you say."
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 19:18
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 19:18
Nov 19, 2006, 19:18
PHJF, read this article.

A lot of it seems to apply directly to you. Your opinion doesnt make you right and other people wrong. Grow the fuck up.

Currently playing Company of Heroes.
Nov 19, 2006, 18:57
Re: Nov 19, 2006, 18:57
Nov 19, 2006, 18:57
I'm not going to bother checking my facts on this one, cause no doubt someone would and could argue it either way.... but I think most games are made for fun and entertainment, which I'll freely admit includes people;P...

However, like the Beamer, I prefer bots with most games. While I don't give a shit about CS, although I do have it on here, I typically play Quake 3 against bots. It's like playing MS Freecell.... doesn't take any time to set up, my machine these days runs it with all the ease of Freecell and, ultimately, I just want to kill a few minutes shooting something before reality requires me elsewhere. So, I get my fun, which is what I want. I also get it faster than I could get any game online.

Whether you come across cheaters or dickheads, there's plenty to put some people off online gaming. There's also the simple fact some of us just can't be bothered with it. So what.

Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 16:46
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 16:46
Nov 19, 2006, 16:46
I'm not into bots myself, but if he's having fun playing bots then who cares?

Avatar 19418
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 16:27
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 16:27
Nov 19, 2006, 16:27
CS wasn't fucking *made* for bots, and neither was TFC. That itself renders your defense of bots moot.

These games were made for people, not lines of code running around little scripted paths. Especially fucking TFC. Do you think a bot would discover grenade jumping? Or rocket jumping? Do you think a bot would know that its TF in the flag room being destroyed might mean the flag was in danger?

Or let's just look at CS. When's the last time you saw a bot crouch-jump on top of a box? Walk to avoid being heard?

These. Games. Are. Made. For. People.

"Oh how awful. Did he at least die peacefully? To shreds you say. Well, how's his wife holding up? To shreds you say."
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 16:23
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 16:23
Nov 19, 2006, 16:23
What you need to do is go find either a well-admined server or a private, where hackers arn't going to be a problem and some quality regulars reside.

I agree. Although I've never played CS (I tried a few times using my HL cd and Steam but that's another story) I think it applies to all online games.

There's lots cheaters and idiots and crappy players in all online games. Once you find a handful of well-admined servers with good regulars, you're fine.

Sure the odd idiot slips through, but they generally don't last long and it'll only be one guy, not the whole server.

But if Beaner wants to play bots, that's fine too. It's his game and he can entertain himself however he likes.

Avatar 19418
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 15:53
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 15:53
Nov 19, 2006, 15:53
Or you can play the game how you like to play and let him play it like he wants to play? Does it hurt your e-penis that someone else enjoys the game differently than you do? Like it or not plenty of people like playing against bots. You don't have to agree with the reasons or approve of it. As usual there is always a vocal minority of jackasses who attribute bots to the downfall of games. Pure FUD.

As a bot author I've been personally blamed for the downfall of TFC for my role with Foxbot. It blows my mind how retarded these people are.

The signal to noise ratio of playing against other people is often just not worth the effort. I want to jump in a game and have some fun quickly. I don't want to have to fuck with the best case of knowing a good server, refreshing till a slot is open and trying to join, and still inevitably deal with jackasses or people who are strictly out for kill counts, which dominate even the best servers. Don't like bots? Fine, but your view on the subject is no more right or wrong than anyone elses.

This comment was edited on Nov 19, 15:57.
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 15:22
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 15:22
Nov 19, 2006, 15:22
What you need to do is go find either a well-admined server or a private, where hackers arn't going to be a problem and some quality regulars reside. I probably spent two years in the same pub because it had the admins *and* a bunch of great players.

Meh, I just quit playing CS altogether. It was extremely fun back when it first started out (and Fragmaster was still running Planet Halflife) but I got tired of the laxness in dealing with cheaters in the beginning, subsequentally just burning out and uninstalling CS.

I just like a constant challenge.

I'd rather have full control over my gaming experience.

Eh, you're just too inflexible.

Offline play through bots does offer a consistent challenge, but I wouldn't call it "constant" (you'll eventually master it).

Online challenge is a variable. As are the idiots. And lag. And server changes. It gets tiring.

That's why God invented the ability to log your favorite servers that you know you'll like to play on. You just have to look for them and they're not especially hard to find spending a little time using Google. Unless that amount of initiative violates your complacent nature (for Christsake, you're already sitting in front of a computer, what more do you want?).

Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 15:21
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 15:21
Nov 19, 2006, 15:21
The game is amazing when you find the perfect server.

As I said, I have no interest in putting the time into finding an amazing server.

Whenever I did it would usually last a month or two before something would drastically change it. No thanks, no interest.

I'd rather throw in some bots on regular and see how many kills I can get per death.

Doomriders: the first new band worth a signature -
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 15:00
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 15:00
Nov 19, 2006, 15:00

Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 14:30
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 14:30
Nov 19, 2006, 14:30
The only bots, ever, in an FPS, that at least SOMEWHAT resembled actual human play were back in Unreal Tournament. CS bots are some of the absolute worst.

And where do you think the bot in aimbot comes from? You are playing entire teams of units coded to "aim" in a specific way.

What you need to do is go find either a well-admined server or a private, where hackers arn't going to be a problem and some quality regulars reside. I probably spent two years in the same pub because it had the admins *and* a bunch of great players. A game of CS can only shine when said circumstances are achieved. People only rag on the game so much because they ended up in the wrong servers filled with the wrong people. The game is amazing when you find the perfect server.

"Oh how awful. Did he at least die peacefully? To shreds you say. Well, how's his wife holding up? To shreds you say."
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 14:05
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 14:05
Nov 19, 2006, 14:05
lag is a bitch.

i hope some high speed internet service available in my area soon. 384Kbs is killing me.

Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 13:02
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 13:02
Nov 19, 2006, 13:02
Are you an idiot?

No. I just like a constant challenge.
Online challenge is a variable. As are the idiots. And lag. And server changes. It gets tiring.

I'd rather have full control over my gaming experience.

Doomriders: the first new band worth a signature -
Re: CS Cheats
Nov 19, 2006, 05:55
Re: CS Cheats Nov 19, 2006, 05:55
Nov 19, 2006, 05:55
I don't play CS online or offline because I think it's an utter piece of crap, but I'm guessing the bot AI starts to get predictable after a while, just like all other AI. The appeal of playing online is that humans are far less predictable and they actually adapt to your tactics. I also have yet to see any bot that can actually ski in Tribes. 'nuff said.

Avatar 20715
Re: CS Cheats
Nov 19, 2006, 04:58
Re: CS Cheats Nov 19, 2006, 04:58
Nov 19, 2006, 04:58
People have known who he is for awhile now. Thats what baffles me. That attitude he has will be his downfall though. He's going to rip off the wrong coder, probably from eastern europe where they don't have second thoughts about putting a bullet in your head. If not that he'll tick off some psychopath gamer who will simply go to his home and set him on fire.

You actually get dumber on a daily basis.

Dear Customer,

We can confirm, despite a European shortage of the Nintendo Wii consoles, that should be able to supply your pre-ordered Nintendo Wii at launch.
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 04:27
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 04:27
Nov 19, 2006, 04:27
Your eloquence is staggering.

Seriously, not everybody is able or willing to compete with the "kids who dont have a life" faction, nor the "assholes who cry and whine and bitch" faction, or the "hack user and cheater faction". Not to mention the huge intersection between those groups.

So why bother with all those idiots in the net? An FPS is in effect no more than a nice reflex and reaction game. Abstracted, its not anything more then "click the right pixel". I play it to relax, and not to increase my epenis by getting the idea i am "better" than somebody else on the internet.

Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 01:42
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 01:42
Nov 19, 2006, 01:42
Bots are way more entertaining than humans. No cheating. And a constant challenge, so if you're screwing up it's your own fault.

Are you an idiot?

"Oh how awful. Did he at least die peacefully? To shreds you say. Well, how's his wife holding up? To shreds you say."
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: No subject
Nov 19, 2006, 01:17
Re: No subject Nov 19, 2006, 01:17
Nov 19, 2006, 01:17
I still dig CS:S above just about any other online game.

But I only play bots, so I don't count. Bots are way more entertaining than humans. No cheating. And a constant challenge, so if you're screwing up it's your own fault.

Trying to be the best online got old when I no longer had more than 3 or 4 hours a week to play.

edit - constant as in not changing, not as in constantly challenging.

Doomriders: the first new band worth a signature -
This comment was edited on Nov 19, 01:17.
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