Morning Q&As

  • Stargate Worlds
    The Stargate Worlds Q&A on FiringSquad talks with Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment's Chris Bernert about their coming Unreal 3 engine MMORPG based on the Stargate universe: "We hope to avoid disappointing players by sticking to what we feel are the key components of what makes the Stargate franchise enjoyable. We also want to focus on what makes playing within the MMO space fun. Now what exactly makes the MMO space fun is an endless debate in itself but for us it’s a combination of Community, Content, and Combat. If we can nail these three ideals then we have a good chance at not disappointing our player base."
  • Raph Koster
    Raph Koster on taking the industry into the mainstream on GameSpot follows up the AGC talk by the former SOE CCO as they discuss the games industry: "I think the collector's bundle is it. And I actually think saying "it's just collector's bundles" minimizes just how dramatic an impact it's having on the industry. We're finally seeing that kind of subsidiary market. The fact that Yar's Revenge is now available on a keychain... You can take your keychain and plug it in to a television and play Yar's Revenge. Now we're talking something like what movies can do with sending content downstream to live on other platforms. It's the equivalent of DVD rentals and cable and pay-per-view and all that. We're seeing content actually spread out and be able to be reused and monetized in fresh ways."
  • Acclaim
    Howard Marks on the new Acclaim on GameSpot talks with the head of the new Acclaim about their plans for the future: "It's identical. When I [purchased] Activision in '91, people said, 'You're crazy. It's a dead brand. You're never going to make it. It's too late,' or whatever. So our view was, 'No, it's not, because we're going to walk away from the cartridge business.' And we decided to go into the CD-ROM business. At that time, the only way you could sell a CD-ROM was inside of a box [with the CD drive]. And then eventually it became retail. And then you know the rest of the history."
  • Aggression Europe 1914
    The Aggression Europe 1914 Q&A on Boomtown talks with Petr Prohorenko of Buka about their upcoming world at war strategy game: "No doubt, the tactical level battles will be changing considerably with the further development of the game. In the beginning, the players will have to rely mostly on massive front assaults carried out by infantry squads or machine guns to defend the trenches. Later they will be able to use some early battle tanks, anti-tank artillery and air strikes. As the technological progress adds to the players’ military strength, they will have to look for totally new tactics to use their arsenal effectively. Near the end of the game there is a nuclear bomb to be developed. Dropping some on the tactical map would normally clear out the entire opponent’s army as well as most buildings in the area."
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No subject
Sep 13, 2006, 11:48
No subject Sep 13, 2006, 11:48
Sep 13, 2006, 11:48
I'm waiting for CSI: MMORPG.

What a disaster when movies and TV shows are being turned into MMOs when 99% of the normal games based on them are abominations.

Sep 13, 2006Sep 13 2006
No subject
Sep 13, 2006Sep 13 2006
Sep 13, 2006Sep 13 2006
Sep 13, 2006Sep 13 2006
Sep 13, 2006Sep 13 2006
Sep 13, 2006Sep 13 2006
     Re: No subject
Sep 13, 2006Sep 13 2006
Sep 14, 2006Sep 14 2006