So much for the whole "All three episodes will be here in 18 months" movement.
Again. Expansion Pack > Episodic Content.
We must try and remeber what it means though:
They didn't tell us eposodic content until it got close to release and they were caught with their pants down. I am sure they had a nice game that they were going to sell for full price and be done, but some moron came up with an idea in a board meeting - lets make episodes!
So now they are giving us shitty episodes (ep 1 - too many puzzles, not enough story, script hell! - I could tell when something was going to happen cause the screen would skip a frame - and I have a very good machine!)
So - now we are stuck with episodic content, full price (where are those savings they were talking about?) and if you wait 1 week, you can actually GET IT CHEAPER IN A RETAIL STORE.
They are doing a very good job of baiting us with videos and what not so that we forget the big picture. They are milking us. They are nickel and diming us to hell with this stuff.
Remeber when these great MODS were free and supported by the community! Now they don't release the kits to let us do that anymore. The have in affect killed MODS. I don't know of a GREAT mod I have played since AQ2. Actually, DOD is pretty good, BUT I HAD TO FUCKING PAY FOR THAT FREE MOD ALSO!
So here we are. I am sure this "update" will be 39.99 or some stupid thing like 38.90 and it will be another lackluster episode with more puzzles and characters that aren't new - and we will really be paying for "free upgrades" like Portal and TF2 (that was promised 6-8 years ago!)
I am sure had the resources been allocated long ago, TF2 could have been done by the community and been done. And we would all like it. By the fans, for the fans.
Am I going to buy Ep2? yeah. Why? Cause I can afford it, and it will be fun for the price. Am I pissed as hell though? yeah. But they have my balls either way.
**********************************************Listening to: FUNGS 53Squirrel Count: Catch & Release: 11 Shot: 3