A long time ago someone suggested I try a really LOW sensitivity in ET, and I never believed it because I was shooting fine. I tried it, and my accuracy in matches went up on average 5-6%, and was hitting MUCH more headshots. I still use high sensitivities in most games, especially those that dont have head hitboxes. Like if I were to try a low sens in Quake3, my rail would go up (although it already blows) but the rest of my weapons would suffer.
Remember in AQ2 - the sensitivity changed when you went to sniper?
I use scripts in most games to change the sensitivity depending on the gun I choose. Therefore, when I switch to sniper the button press changes sensitivity to 20%, when I go to rifle, etc., sensitivity either resets to 80% or it changes to another %.
Make sense? Makes it a lot easier to control each weapon.
**********************************************Listening to:
http://www.xmradio.com/programming/channel_page.jsp?ch=53 FUNGS 53Squirrel Count: Catch & Release: 10 Shot: 2