wow, I can't believe you guys use simple controls like that. Don't you get beat to a pulp?
Seems slow and awkward with your hands in that tiny little space. Why not somehting more natural?
S - Crouch
D - Strafe Left
F - Move Back
G - Strafe Right
RMB - Forward
LMB - Fire
Crouch as S? That means all you fingers are in very close proximity to each other. Not only that but it's also more difficult to locate the keys because they're not at the very edge of the keyboard. Finally... RMB as forward? That might have been fine 7yrs ago but it's not very practical now and it's easier having it set for alternate weapon mode, for sniper rifles and such. That is such an awkward setup I'm surprised that anyone would choose it.
WASD = Directions
Ctrl = Crouch
Shift = Walk
Space = Jump
It's really easy to locate the keys, even in the dark, as with my little finger on the Ctrl I know exactly where all the other buttons are. I have plenty of space between fingers and all my movement controls are located together, rather than spread onto the mouse. I'm amazed anyone can like RMB for forward - it makes it hard to reposition the mouse as if you lift to turn it's more difficult to hold the button down... high mouse sensitivity will help but it's far from ideal.
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Founder of the
"I Hate Smiley Fitz" society
Remember: Riley has autism. He has trouble communicating, and in an overstimulating
environment, he can get frightened and run away, leaving his parents frantic. - Auburn
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."