'You seriously enjoyed Sin Emergence more than HL2 Ep1? I played them back to back, Sin first, and I found the level design, voice acting, and shooting in general to be 10x superior to Sin.
I think part of it was the story they chose w/ HL2...I had literally finished up a run through of HL2, before I started Epi 1. And whats the first thing we do in Epi 1? Back into the Citadel! Whoo?
(Speaking of voice acting) I did really noticed that Blade said like a whopping two words in Sin Epi 1. That felt odd...
I guess I'm tired of the "warzone" look of the cities in HL2, and was ready for the series to go elsewhere. Only it didn't. Hopefully Epi2 will do that.
GW: Nilaar Madalla, lvl 20 R/Mo / Tolyl Nor, lvl 20 E/Mo / Xylos Gath, lvl 16 W/Mo
No venomhed, you can't fuck me. Please stop asking.