I actually made it to the movies today, as Enahs pointed out in the forums
I plan on doing this far more often than I succeed. The movie was great: A bit
darker than the Chris Reeve versions, and of course requiring of some plot
tolerance, but Singer has the touch for superhero movies, and has added a move
from the Sam Raimi playbook by creating scenes that are perfect reproductions of
classic comic book images, most notably
cover of Action Comics #1. The theater experience was lousy though... Some
talkers, some squirmy kids, someone who kept checking the time on their light-up
cellphone, someone who answered a cell call in the middle of the show (after
letting it audibly ring a second time so he could determine who was calling, no
less), and a point when someone leaned on the wrong button in the projection
booth and the movie stopped for a while in favor of the filler they play between
showings. There was even a blotch on the screen throughout, which is the second
time I've had a visual imperfection on the screen at this same multiplex. That
will also be the final time for this place, because if I decide to brave the
ever-more-disappointing movie theater experience again in the future, it will be
at a different venue. Just a sign of how enjoyable the movie was that none of
that could even come close to ruining the experience.