As for why that is a problem I prefer to play randomnly and anonymously when I play online not have to stick to the same character and worry about having to get X amount of points to be able to use certain weapons or abilities. If I wanted to do that, I would play MMO games
As I said, there will be no persistent unlocks of any kind, only skill upgrades during a short campaign that really doesn't alter the game play that much (a tiny bit better accuracy, bigger ammo packs, bigger health packs, charge bar that don't drain as fast etc). If you do like to be as anonymous as possible, do like the rest of us and use a spam mail account if it's required when signing up.
Will the system have us wait when logging in for 5 minutes? Fuck knows, lets see when the game is released without getting paranoid meanwhile. Every game using a cdkey that needs to be validated stores your ip, for a short amount of time at least, but just think about it, THEY MIGHT BE TRACKING YOU RIGHT NOW! OH GOD!
This comment was edited on Jun 19, 12:29.