we forefitted them out of the playoffs for a big long story that culminated in basically them being jerks.
That was by biggest problem with being on a
professional team. Not only was the time so demanding but everybody took it so damn serious. Out side of the gaming world they where nice guys, but whenever it came down to talking about gaming in any form they where just too serious stuck up assholes; it made the game totally un fun.
I'm assuming you were in U5 for another game?
Yes. And that was a problem too. I was on the CS team; as an alternate/scrim buddy. My biggest advantage though was strategy and commanding, adapting to what was going on, etc etc. I was never as good as a technical player as the other guys but I could always hold my own with the top of the top through strategy. And that was another problem…when you start getting players that good typically they do not want to do what anybody else would say. Despite proving my self over and over that I knew what I was talking about/telling them to do, etc etc…regularly people would get to coincided and just argue/bitch with me over and over. I never demanded to be strategy leader..but that is why the team leaders kept me/wanted me. I only was at CPL for scriming and observing the other team and developing strategy with the leaders.
But I also hated counter strike. I always hated the game. It pissed me off. I hated that you could not shoot through wooden crates yet you could shoot through what would equate to 5 feet of solid brick (through corners)….and you had to have the nades explode on the head to actually kill somebody! I just hated the game in general. It sucked. Big time
The only reason I played was for the free CPU’s and Video Cards and my
small share in any winnings from competition. Mostly for the free video cards though!
ET at CPL will happen in a cold day in hell rather sadly
Yeah. I never understood how a craptastic mod like CS could get so popular but a completely free and stand-alone game like ET could not even get 1/10th as popular. I just think ET rocks…and I really hope they are careful with the vehicles…I want to play a FPS not a GD vehicle simulation game.
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I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields