Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Preorder Plans

There's a new Enemy Territory: Quake Wars screenshot on IGN (thanks Frans), showing off Splash Damage's upcoming first-person shooter. The shot is accompanied by preliminary preorder details, saying that a preorder program will come in the end of July, with those who participate to receive the opportunity to register their usernames in advance along with some strategy tips.
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Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 21:34
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 21:34
Jun 19, 2006, 21:34
If you're as smart as you think you are, you should be able to fathom that NOONE KNOWS at this point what is required to register, otherwise we would've told you.
I figured that some rabid id fan would have read in some obscure interview somewhere what the registration situation would be. The Valve toadies would certainly have had some kind of authoritative answer (even though it would probably turn out to be wrong later) if this were a Valve game.

The only difference is that we don't see a reason why Activision, SD or any other game company should behave as you fear.
My point is that there is no need for mandatory player accounts or tracking with this type of game. I hope it's optional at most, but I certainly don't trust Activision or any other company to do just what's least intrusive or inconvenient to the customer because they usually don't.

if it is irrelevant for one company what another has done to build up a successful business model, than why do you worry in the first place?
I worry about it becuase of what is written in the news article above. It has nothing to do with what EA has done with BF2. It states that those who preorder will be able to reserve their usernames. That strongly indicates that there will be unique player accounts of some sort which are tracked and may also be used to build player skill points, etc. That is why I asked the question. I didn't do it so people would say "why does it matter?".

And my presumption about umbrellas and brownies still stands. How about you answer me if that'll be in the game instead of calling me an idiot?
If you seriously need an answer, then you certainly are an idiot.

This comment was edited on Jun 19, 21:36.
Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 19:42
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 19:42
Jun 19, 2006, 19:42
Riley is awesome. He stirs up debate almost as much as a face off with Derek. Keep it rolling guys, it's quite entertaining when you have nothing to do.

I haven't posted much here but been a long time blue's news reader and everywhere he posts the debate starts heating up. Keep up the good work Riley, you really do know how to twist peoples words like a master! It's never boring at least.

Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 19:41
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 19:41
Jun 19, 2006, 19:41
I just think ET rocks…

I agree, it's still my favorite online game.

What little I've played of it in the past I really liked it too.

I'll probably end up getting this game eventually, but I'll wait until a couple of months after it's released to see what everyone here thinks.

Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 19:32
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 19:32
Jun 19, 2006, 19:32
I just think ET rocks…

I agree, it's still my favorite online game. That's why I'm going to finally upgrade my computer just for ET:QW. I have full confidence that Splash Damage will make a great game. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

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Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 19:23
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 19:23
Jun 19, 2006, 19:23
They had a couple people who's GUIDs didn't match up, and they refused to say who they were. When two admins tried to get in the game, they just kicked the admins out, so we gave em a forefit loss. The sad part is the dysfunctional ET community doesn't see anything wrong with kicking admins who are trying to resolve a problem.

After I left and they started the ET division and it was not going so good. They (the overall team leaders) asked me to come back and play for the ET division because they where having some major trouble. It seemed the players in real life lan’s where no where near as good (at one point, I am not saying that it is that way now or always was) as they where over the internet.

All in all it was a fun experience and if I had the time I would join another team where the motto is “you have to be old enough to legally drink to join this team”. But I would have to have a lot more free time…not gonna happen this year!

Did you know that 1 lb of yummy delicious ripe strawberries only has 146 calories,36g carbs, 9g fiber,3g protein,1g fat and 475% daily Vit.C? 1 Snickers bar has 280 calories,35g carbs,14g fat.Eat strawberries!
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
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Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 18:58
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 18:58
Jun 19, 2006, 18:58
Me!!! ME!!!!! Me!!!!!! MEEEEEEEeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 18:55
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 18:55
Jun 19, 2006, 18:55
That was by biggest problem with being on a professional team. Not only was the time so demanding but everybody took it so damn serious. Out side of the gaming world they where nice guys, but whenever it came down to talking about gaming in any form they where just too serious stuck up assholes; it made the game totally un fun.

It was the exact opposite with the ET division. They treated everything like a giant joke since there's no NA team that can beat them, they stopped caring. They had a couple people who's GUIDs didn't match up, and they refused to say who they were. When two admins tried to get in the game, they just kicked the admins out, so we gave em a forefit loss. The sad part is the dysfunctional ET community doesn't see anything wrong with kicking admins who are trying to resolve a problem.

I loathe CS too, but hell I'd play it if I could get some money/hardware out of it. I can stand the game enough for that, I think.

Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 18:53
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 18:53
Jun 19, 2006, 18:53
There is a huge difference between simply being in public and being observed and tracked in public and having those records stored.

I'm going to guess Google isn't your search engine of choice?

Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 18:42
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 18:42
Jun 19, 2006, 18:42
we forefitted them out of the playoffs for a big long story that culminated in basically them being jerks.

That was by biggest problem with being on a professional team. Not only was the time so demanding but everybody took it so damn serious. Out side of the gaming world they where nice guys, but whenever it came down to talking about gaming in any form they where just too serious stuck up assholes; it made the game totally un fun.

I'm assuming you were in U5 for another game?

Yes. And that was a problem too. I was on the CS team; as an alternate/scrim buddy. My biggest advantage though was strategy and commanding, adapting to what was going on, etc etc. I was never as good as a technical player as the other guys but I could always hold my own with the top of the top through strategy. And that was another problem…when you start getting players that good typically they do not want to do what anybody else would say. Despite proving my self over and over that I knew what I was talking about/telling them to do, etc etc…regularly people would get to coincided and just argue/bitch with me over and over. I never demanded to be strategy leader..but that is why the team leaders kept me/wanted me. I only was at CPL for scriming and observing the other team and developing strategy with the leaders.

But I also hated counter strike. I always hated the game. It pissed me off. I hated that you could not shoot through wooden crates yet you could shoot through what would equate to 5 feet of solid brick (through corners)….and you had to have the nades explode on the head to actually kill somebody! I just hated the game in general. It sucked. Big time

The only reason I played was for the free CPU’s and Video Cards and my small share in any winnings from competition. Mostly for the free video cards though!

ET at CPL will happen in a cold day in hell rather sadly

Yeah. I never understood how a craptastic mod like CS could get so popular but a completely free and stand-alone game like ET could not even get 1/10th as popular. I just think ET rocks…and I really hope they are careful with the vehicles…I want to play a FPS not a GD vehicle simulation game.

Did you know that 1 lb of yummy delicious ripe strawberries only has 146 calories,36g carbs, 9g fiber,3g protein,1g fat and 475% daily Vit.C? 1 Snickers bar has 280 calories,35g carbs,14g fat.Eat strawberries!
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
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Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 18:35
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 18:35
Jun 19, 2006, 18:35
What recent high-profile game HASN'T he tried to ruin for everyone else?

I'm still waiting for him to start bitching about how you can pick up objects in Oblivion but never see your hands.

I mean, that was one of his key complaints about HL2, and Oblivion came out a full year later.

Doomriders: the first new band worth a signature - http://www.deathwishinc.com/
Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 18:34
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 18:34
Jun 19, 2006, 18:34
Uh hunh... reading through this thread sucked... but I'm looking forward to Quake Wars. I expected it to have many of the same features that BF2 has, like stats and unique names, I like the idea of Unique ID's.

The main thing I'm concerned about is the cost to play this game. The graphics look way above what my little hamster on a wheel can handle so I'm guessing I'll need to upgrade. Very interested to see how it runs on lower end hardware.

Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 18:06
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 18:06
Jun 19, 2006, 18:06
cliffski: The thing is, bitter angry gamers like you and I were able to play it at E3, and the comments are mostly positive, not even the "oh there are bugs, but I'm SURE those will be worked out by launch" that you always hear (from games like BF2, funny enough)

Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 18:04
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 18:04
Jun 19, 2006, 18:04
"I mean, just because some people think a game is fun does not mean I will…some people liked Diakatana! "

Well said. I got bored with half life 2 half way through, most people say its awesome. tastes vary, which is why playable demos are so vital. I hear a lot of good things about ET:QW, but I try to keep an open mind. Too many times games have sounded like they would rock, only to suck royally when they are released. Heres hoping ET:QW is great, but I see zilch reason to pay for it in advance (prob 6 months in advance) without having it played it first. I don't care if my username is user4545465645, Its not a big deal. im always suspicious when *everyone* says a game thats not finished yet is going to be "teh best thing evar".
Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 18:03
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 18:03
Jun 19, 2006, 18:03
I meant the special form of online stats which are initiated and maintained by the game company/publisher himself and are tied to a specific account.

Yeah, but the original Unreal Tournament offered that. The protection was minimal (a password, with little or no encryption), but it was there. And Epic maintained them (IIRC, they paid a 3rd party to write the script and host the site).

the BF2 concept appears to be the closest to compare to what ET:QW will work with

Certainly; they're very similar. The same? I doubt it. But similar enough to use as a point of comparison. But Riley doesn't like niggling little facts that contradict his wild fantasies.

Even if he never played BF2 it wouldn't be difficult to do some research on its user and stats system once people brought them up, rather than make even more wild and outlandish statements. But, again, it's Riley.

Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 18:02
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 18:02
Jun 19, 2006, 18:02
But speaking of assumptions, is it safe to assume now that ET:QW is the next game where Riley jumps into every thread about it, trying to find a reason to ruin it for all the others?

What recent high-profile game HASN'T he tried to ruin for everyone else?

Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 18:01
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 18:01
Jun 19, 2006, 18:01
it's quite entertaining when you have nothing to do

That's why I participate. I'm a "long time reader first time poster" of Riley-paranoia-threads and you can bet I wouldn't join the hate-fest if I had anything more worthwhile to do right now. Unfortunately English is only my second language and it takes me quite long to create a coherent post, but it was fun as long as it lasted (now I have more important things to do, like sleeping).

But speaking of assumptions, is it safe to assume now that ET:QW is the next game where Riley jumps into every thread about it, trying to find a reason to ruin it for all the others?

Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 17:59
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 17:59
Jun 19, 2006, 17:59
Ah, you were in U5? I know pretty much the U5-ET team, from playing with them in ClanBase NationsCup (although I was coach aka bench, and didn't do all that much) and having to deal with so much of their bullshit when it comes to adminning; we forefitted them out of the playoffs for a big long story that culminated in basically them being jerks.

I'm assuming you were in U5 for another game? ET at CPL will happen in a cold day in hell rather sadly; they were picked up for QuakeCon 05 last year if I remember right. As far as team count goes, TWL always had more teams for ET as far as I can remember, although there's always the group of people who claim CAL-ET had a higher level of competition because of the CPL behind it, even though that was never really an issue :\

Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 17:51
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 17:51
Jun 19, 2006, 17:51
Riley is awesome. He stirs up debate almost as much as a face off with Derek. Keep it rolling guys, it's quite entertaining when you have nothing to do.

Re: Fixed Usernames?!
Jun 19, 2006, 17:44
Re: Fixed Usernames?! Jun 19, 2006, 17:44
Jun 19, 2006, 17:44
Oh, and more thing (since you don't play BF2): BF2 does not force you to use their stat system, either. You can play on unranked servers, play user maps, don't use Punkbuster and leave no stat trace whatsoever. Fact is, though, that we all became stat whores pretty soon after the game's release, so playing unranked and thus opening ground for mods and new maps isn't very popular. But you can't blame EA for that, it's all about the players... who actually seem to love the stat system you hate so much.

To get back on topic: I really hope ET:QW doesn't make the same mistake of alienating mod and map makers. They can have all the stats they want, but please let them give an option to include user maps in it. Or even better, give mod makers the tools to set up stats for their own mod.

Re: No subject
Jun 19, 2006, 17:37
Re: No subject Jun 19, 2006, 17:37
Jun 19, 2006, 17:37
Riley, nobody is directly answering your question about username's being required to play because they dont have the retail game yet and nobody official has stated one way or the other.

That said, I'd be very surprised if it was required that you register at all. I assume it'll either assign your stats to a ETPlayer type name or simply omit you from the stats page altogether if you choose. I seriously doubt they're going to force registration just for the sake of having a complete stats page, and even if they do just put in the usual fake details.

This comment was edited on Jun 19, 17:37.
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