Testng and "coding" are 2 very different mindsets. I am an SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test). I have both hats but firmly the majority of my mind focus on the test side. I have had my fair share of "date driven" projects, and most if not all are total fuckups. Unfortunately we have to live with managers
and the "its good enough ship the fucker" attitude. Im at the point now on a date driven project that I just say ship the fucker and let SE fix the bugs as they come in. It gets monotonous after a while seeing the same shite mistakes months on end and being asked to do the fucking impossible with not enough resources and time. Fuck it. Coders rely on test and automated checkin tests alot blindly, I "strongly encourage"
them to "buddy test" pre checkin but its like dragging a horse to water but u cannot force them to drink unless you run a gated checkin that FORCES buddy testing and pre checkin tests.
BattleField vNext is a "we ran the race too" attempt at competing with QuakeWars. I say dont waste your money and time on BF vNext. We have already been there done that. Its a waste of your life, just look at the time wasted on BF2 already in the stats. Im horrified I wasted so much of my time on it. Its sad really. The only game that I can truely say I enjoyued wasting time on so much was Tribes 2. Period. Nothing else comes close.
This comment was edited on May 26, 05:15.