Do you know there are still societies in this world where women and men have naked breasts in public. And the funny thing is that if you told them that women breasts need to be hidden and man breasts don't they would probably laugh and think that you are some kind of imebecile. Felmale breasts in this kind of society are also sexualized.
In all societs, some women get aroused when they see man breasts. Some men get aroused when they see female breasts. Yet there is no call to hide male breasts. Why don't we force men to wear tops? Men's breasts are also sexualized just like woman's breasts. It all from the age old idea that men can't be tempted and thus women have to hide anything remotely sexual. Male dominated society. That's why you got women in certain countries wearing the equivalent of sacks covering their entire body. The ony thing you can see is their eyes. Cause anything more would tempt men too much. If it wassn't impratical they would hide their eyes too, but then they couldn't see where the fuck they were going.
This comment was edited on May 3, 22:14.