And what happens if the dev's deem that making horse armor is more profitable than making co-op (Not that the situation can possibly get any worse than it is right now with co-op, but i think my point still stands :-) )
You seem to be making the opposite point. The only real reason they would think this is if it were actually true, and people were really more willing to cough up the money needed to create horse armor than for cooperative campaigns. With the nickle-and-dime method, there would actually be fairly clear data to show which specific item was preferred, whereas currently, given the existing sample size of coop games, it's totally up to the company to decide based on someone's gut instinct.
If people really would rather pay for glitzy bits than for co-op, then I won't blame the designers/publishers for catering to them. More power to 'em. I like to think that there's an untapped demand, though, which is where content downloads could theoretically shine. There almost has to be, given how often I see people talking about compared to the number of games that release with it.
This comment was edited on Apr 7, 15:10.