Dont get me wrong Orogogus I desperatly want Co-op in almost every single game i play (I have 5 brothers, spread accross the globe, and we would kill for the ability to play Oblivion, Halo etc via the interweb co-op).
From my understanding though putting co-op in game requires a lot work within the games code (AI, Network etc), so much so that it really has to be something added in from the start. I think this is most evident by the lack of co-op mods out there, and the games that contain co-op have no real AI to speak of.
I would shell out a TON o money to add co-op to my games, and i think a lot of people would as it would be a large undertaking, the problem with this thinking is, if people are willing to pay for it, why not just produce the game with co-op built in, release the game at $60 with co-op
removed and then charge another $30 to add co-op to the game as an add on.
Thats what B has done with Oblivion, all this stuff was in the game before release, (Evidenced by the door in the mages guild), and now they are charging for it.
Thats the real problem here, not that Horse armor is a rip off, but that given a good reason it will happen with everything, driving the overall cost of games up.
$1 tax for the national debt?
Diablo & Diablo 2 for the DS, it makes sense Blizzard!