Throwing fuel to the fire quickly, one roommate of mine says to me that people (the average Joe Blows) don't buy into Apple because they're not as well known (aside from iPod, of course) - even if they are subjectively superior with respect to user interface design, or what have you. On top of this, Microsoft more than likely has a whole lot more cash to blow on advertising/marketing - or at least, they set more aside for that sort of thing.
I'd tried (without any luck) to suggest to him to at least go down to the local CompUSA and give a Mac a test drive. He said he probably wouldn't like it due to the difference in interface, terminology and whatnot. Fair enough, I suppose.
I use both - Win for games and some internet stuff (and on my work computer at FHS - Framingham Heart Study), Mac for Music and e-mail/some internet. My thoughts? I prefer Mac OS X by far for its interface elegance. Windows just seems cumbersome and kludgy to me, somehow.
EDIT: Systems -
Dual 1.25GHz G4 Power Mac Mirrored Drive Doors with Combo Drive (CD-RW/DVD-ROM), 512MB RAM (would like to expand to at least 1GB), 80GB HDD, OS X 10.2.8 (Jaguar)
iBook 14" (dual USB model with Firewire, 1.33GHz G4 proc, 768MB RAM, 4200RPM 60GB HDD, Airport Extreme Wireless), OS X 10.3.9 (Panther)
AMD Athlon64 XP 3000+-based system (running @ 1.8GHz reported)
512MB PNY DDR266 RAM (yes, I know.. PNY)
160GB Seagate HDD
Memorex DL DVD+/-R/RW
Chaintech NForce4 Socket 939 mobo
Visiontek XTASY x700 PCI-Express 16x card
Windows XP Home w/ SP2
15" ViewSonic LCD, shared between the two towers. One screen (and Apple keyboard, Logitech Marble mouse and pair of Klipsch speakers) to rule them both.
EDIT2: Listed OSes for each system for comparison...
Dan =0)
You can help me save the Earth from a terrible experience... yes, the whole Earth.Self-plug:
http://www.dankupka.comSelf-plug #2: comment was edited on Apr 6, 00:24.
Shameless self-plug(s): - also on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Amazon, etc.