XP on Macs

Apple Launches Software to Run Windows XP is the announcement (wisely not released on April 1) announcing a patch for Intel-based Macs to boot either MacOS or Windows XP:
The computer maker said its new "Boot Camp" software is available as a download beginning Wednesday. It allows users with a Microsoft Windows XP installation disc to install Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac computer.

"Apple has no desire or plan to sell or support Windows, but many customers have expressed their interest to run Windows on Apple's superior hardware now that we use Intel processors," Philip Schiller, Apple senior vice president of worldwide product marketing, said in a statement.

Boot Camp makes it easier to install Windows software on an Intel-based Mac, with a step-by-step guide. It also lets users choose to use either Mac OS X software, or the Windows software when they restart their computer.

Users can download the new Boot Camp software from Apple's Web site. A final version of Boot Camp will be available as a feature in the upcoming Mac OS X version 10.5 "Leopard."
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Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 12:35
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 12:35
Apr 5, 2006, 12:35
Wow, that's an expensive OSX license.

Then you factor in:
- Bluetooth (I use it a lot). Optional on Dell
- Integrated iSight (don't have to bring my USB one with me anymore)
- Firewire (I have some drives I stlil use)
- I'm probably forgetting something

Again, it's more expensive. Also, to be honest I don't see myself buying one. I'm just saying it's not super super bad.

"Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you."
-Fry, Futurmama
"Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you."
-Fry, Futurama
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 12:23
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 12:23
Apr 5, 2006, 12:23
If I put WinXP Pro (which I would need) and their top display (better than Mac Book) I get 1874 which is still better than Apple's 2,499.

Then again, if I were to buy one I'd be tempted to get the MacBook just because I prefer OS X to Windows for regular work anyway. And I can dual boot later if I want.

Wow, that's an expensive OSX license.

Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 12:20
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 12:20
Apr 5, 2006, 12:20
I specced out the Dell 1505. It's definately cheaper, especially with the memory deals it has now.

I got $1634, but that's with WinXP Home which I can't use.

The difference you might have missed is:
Video card - Apple comes with decent ATI w/ 128MB. Dell default is Intel crap (but can be upgraded).
Display - The rez on the Mac Book is 1440 x 900. Dell is 1280 x 800. Unfortunately Dell doesn't have that rez, only lower and higher. So to split the difference I picked the better of the 2 lower rez ones.

If I put WinXP Pro (which I would need) and their top display (better than Mac Book) I get 1874 which is still better than Apple's 2,499.

Then again, if I were to buy one I'd be tempted to get the MacBook just because I prefer OS X to Windows for regular work anyway. And I can dual boot later if I want.

"Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you."
-Fry, Futurmama
"Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you."
-Fry, Futurama
Re: mac os
Apr 5, 2006, 12:11
Re: mac os Apr 5, 2006, 12:11
Apr 5, 2006, 12:11
Hell even drag n drop does not work properly.

"Its the only operating system I know of where click 'n drag does not mean you actually copy or move anything. No, you're just making shortcuts on your desktop."

For those of you who haven't seen it, this Mac Parody is pretty funny: http://happynowhere.net/mac_parody.php

GW: Grad Mcgarth W/N One of these day's I'm going to start a new character...
This space is available for rent
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 12:02
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 12:02
Apr 5, 2006, 12:02
"That's interesting - I'm not disagreeing with you, but I specced up a Dell identical to my ideal MacBook Pro"

Here's something more interesting, I specced a 15.4" dell core duo 2.0 GHZ with 1 gig of ram, dvd burner and a 100 gig hd and got 1543$...

But then again the base macbook pro is only 512 meg ram and 80 gig HD, I can get a 1.83Hz dual-core, 1 gig ram, 80 gig hd, dvd burner, X1300 128 megs Dell for 1,133$, pretty damn close to half the price of the "base" macbook that a previous poster said was 2000$, because the 2GHz one is actually 2500$...
This comment was edited on Apr 5, 12:03.
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 11:54
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 11:54
Apr 5, 2006, 11:54
I was more referring to the BT2.0/1.0 thing being a touch pointless - the extra speed and capabilities of BT2.0 are nice and all, but I've still yet to see a single non-Apple device support it.

Ah.. gotcha and agreed.

AFAIK it's pretty much just a couple of stereo hands-free headset thingys for cellphones that use BT2 (stereo vs. mono support for audio being the only real advantage to BT2 IMO)..

To be honest though, once Apple hit on the genius that is Exposé, I simply can't take any OS seriously as a platform for doing work if it doesn't have it. That feature alone puts OSX waaaaayyy at the top of the heap in terms of usability/efficiency. "Drag n drop does not work properly" PPFFFFHAHAHAA!!

It may be that one day a young man will adore a Pinata.
This comment was edited on Apr 5, 11:55.
I'm not even angry. I'm being so sincere right now, even though you broke my heart and killed me.
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 11:41
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 11:41
Apr 5, 2006, 11:41
Bluetooth 2.0 (vs. 1.2 on the Dell, admittedly quite pointless), sudden motion sensor (handy, but ultimately I just like it because it means I have a spirit level on my desktop and that really baffles people)
Actually, both of those things can do some pretty funky stuff in OSX.

I was more referring to the BT2.0/1.2 thing being a touch pointless - the extra speed and capabilities of BT2.0 are nice and all, but I've still yet to see a single non-Apple device support it. I love Salling Clicker, and used it regularly for remote-controlling my PowerBook plugged into my amp... these days, I use Connect360 and my XBox 360... that's a really great combination.

The SMS is a great security feature, but honestly, showing someone the spirit-level Dashboard widget is just hilarious at times.

Edit: formatting and BlueTooth version corrections.
This comment was edited on Apr 5, 11:45.
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 11:35
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 11:35
Apr 5, 2006, 11:35
Bluetooth 2.0 (vs. 1.0 on the Dell, admittedly quite pointless), sudden motion sensor (handy, but ultimately I just like it because it means I have a spirit level on my desktop and that really baffles people)

Actually, both of those things can do some pretty funky stuff in OSX..

BlueTooth is simply the dog's balls if you've got a BT-capable cellphone and a copy of Salling Clicker (which - incidentally - is now available for Windows, and is far and away the coolest piece of shareware I've ever bought), and the Sudden Motion Sensor has been used by the community in a couple of nifty ways..

I can't remember what the actually useful apps for it are at the moment, but or example, here's a weird little game that uses it:

The only good thing about mac osx is the security bit with having to enter administrator passwd to install some software.
Other then that the os is lacking, they nearly force you to use their own crippled and lacking software. 3rd party apps are crippled from their windows and linux versions.
Hell even drag n drop does not work properly.

When you set out to show the world you've got no friggin' clue about something, you really don't hold back..

It may be that one day a young man will adore a Pinata.
This comment was edited on Apr 5, 11:36.
I'm not even angry. I'm being so sincere right now, even though you broke my heart and killed me.
mac os
Apr 5, 2006, 11:20
mac os Apr 5, 2006, 11:20
Apr 5, 2006, 11:20
The only good thing about mac osx is the security bit with having to enter administrator passwd to install some software.
Other then that the os is lacking, they nearly force you to use their own crippled and lacking software. 3rd party apps are crippled from their windows and linux versions.
Hell even drag n drop does not work properly.
it no wonder really that they want xp.

Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 11:10
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 11:10
Apr 5, 2006, 11:10
The base level MacBook Pro is $2000. You can get an almost identically configured Dell for just over $1000 right now.

That's interesting - I'm not disagreeing with you, but I specced up a Dell identical to my ideal MacBook Pro - 1Gb RAM, 2GHz Core Duo, 100Gb HD, etc, and the MacBook Pro came up £21 (UK) more than the Dell, and included Bluetooth 2.0 (vs. 1.2 on the Dell, admittedly quite pointless), sudden motion sensor (handy, but ultimately I just like it because it means I have a spirit level on my desktop and that really baffles people), slot-loading DVD (again, not really useful, but very cool), and a backlit keyboard (which is really handy).

I don't think Apple are anywhere near competitive on the very top end (enthusiast/gaming PC), or the mid-to-low end (budget/self-build etc), but their laptops and integrated machines (MacBooks and iMacs) are very reasonably priced for the machine you get.

Edit: I had another very quick look on the Dell site, and had trouble configuring up something exactly comparable, but I have managed this in the reasonably recent past. Also, fixed BlueTooth versions
This comment was edited on Apr 5, 11:45.
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 11:01
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 11:01
Apr 5, 2006, 11:01
I still think it's funny that Apple almost went out of business back in 1999 and was saved by Microsoft, making a "huge comeback," and has only one extra point of market share.

Quite frankly if it runs XP pretty well I'd give serious thought to picking up a Mac the next time around. I'd probably rarely use OSX, but it would be nice to have the option, to see the other side.
Then again, call me when I can build a Mac, I guess.

Doomriders: the first new band worth a signature - http://www.deathwishinc.com/
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:56
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:56
Apr 5, 2006, 10:56
What's next? A mouse with two buttons?

That was actually a year or two ago...

And dual boot sounds like a fine idea. Game on the XP side, and everything else (web, email, dvds projects, etc) on the mac side...

(And before anyone bitches, I didn't say you could fit nvidia's latest card in there, or that you'd have better performace in gaming compared to a PC built from the ground up for gaming.)

GW: Nilaar Madalla, lvl 20 R/Mo / Tolyl Nor, lvl 20 E/Mo / Xylos Gath, lvl 16 W/Mo

Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:56
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:56
Apr 5, 2006, 10:56
It has a Radeon X1600 though - something that is almost impossible to find in PC laptops currently... it's way better than the X1400 HyperMemory etc that Dell has.

Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:46
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:46
Apr 5, 2006, 10:46
Why don't you just buy a friggin PC and put an Apple sticker on it?

Er, because you need a Mac for your other work? Or because you like the hardware, support, and whatever from Apple?

Or, more likely, because you need Windows for doing "normal" work, but prefer OS X for personal use. Or need Windows for gaming, but prefer doing everything else on OS X.

I wouldn't mind having an Apple system, esp. now that you can boot Windows on it natively, except for the absurd prices that Apple puts on their systems. The base level MacBook Pro is $2000. You can get an almost identically configured Dell for just over $1000 right now. No, it doesn't have the truely nifty power cord, or as much software, but for half the price... eh.

No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:45
No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:45
Apr 5, 2006, 10:45
If it uses an Intel processor and can run Windows XP, can it even be considered a Mac anymore?

What's next? A mouse with two buttons?

This comment was edited on Apr 5, 10:46.
Avatar 13955
No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:43
No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:43
Apr 5, 2006, 10:43
Oh man, that "Apple's superior hardware" is going to catch alot of flak here.

I'll add to that:

When the hell is Apple going to pull their heads out of their *(&() and stop kidding themselves. Worst part is that mac users still believe them, even after all these years of being trounced by PCs.

Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:42
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:42
Apr 5, 2006, 10:42
Hell with the way Apple is making money of IPods I'd be a prick too. But honestly just watching videos of his presentations I coulda told ya he was a prick years ago!

Avatar 12670
No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:34
No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:34
Apr 5, 2006, 10:34
"When you can't beat 'em..."

I recently read that Jobs is a total jackass in person. Some ex-employees spilled the beans and the picture they draw isn't the chrome-plated sunshine Apple would have you believe.

Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:32
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:32
Apr 5, 2006, 10:32
I'm just waiting for the IPod version of IWindows.

Avatar 12670
Re: No subject
Apr 5, 2006, 10:26
Re: No subject Apr 5, 2006, 10:26
Apr 5, 2006, 10:26
"When you can't beat 'em..."

Boycott Starforce - http://www.glop.org/starforce/
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