The computer maker said its new "Boot Camp" software is available as a download beginning Wednesday. It allows users with a Microsoft Windows XP installation disc to install Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac computer.
"Apple has no desire or plan to sell or support Windows, but many customers have expressed their interest to run Windows on Apple's superior hardware now that we use Intel processors," Philip Schiller, Apple senior vice president of worldwide product marketing, said in a statement.
Boot Camp makes it easier to install Windows software on an Intel-based Mac, with a step-by-step guide. It also lets users choose to use either Mac OS X software, or the Windows software when they restart their computer.
Users can download the new Boot Camp software from Apple's Web site. A final version of Boot Camp will be available as a feature in the upcoming Mac OS X version 10.5 "Leopard."
Wow, that's an expensive OSX license.
If I put WinXP Pro (which I would need) and their top display (better than Mac Book) I get 1874 which is still better than Apple's 2,499.
Then again, if I were to buy one I'd be tempted to get the MacBook just because I prefer OS X to Windows for regular work anyway. And I can dual boot later if I want.
Hell even drag n drop does not work properly.
I was more referring to the BT2.0/1.0 thing being a touch pointless - the extra speed and capabilities of BT2.0 are nice and all, but I've still yet to see a single non-Apple device support it.
Bluetooth 2.0 (vs. 1.2 on the Dell, admittedly quite pointless), sudden motion sensor (handy, but ultimately I just like it because it means I have a spirit level on my desktop and that really baffles people)Actually, both of those things can do some pretty funky stuff in OSX.
Bluetooth 2.0 (vs. 1.0 on the Dell, admittedly quite pointless), sudden motion sensor (handy, but ultimately I just like it because it means I have a spirit level on my desktop and that really baffles people)
The only good thing about mac osx is the security bit with having to enter administrator passwd to install some software.
Other then that the os is lacking, they nearly force you to use their own crippled and lacking software. 3rd party apps are crippled from their windows and linux versions.
Hell even drag n drop does not work properly.
The base level MacBook Pro is $2000. You can get an almost identically configured Dell for just over $1000 right now.
What's next? A mouse with two buttons?
Why don't you just buy a friggin PC and put an Apple sticker on it?
"When you can't beat 'em..."