What do you expect from the Liberal Taliban? To actually be able to understand the other side of an argument?
The Taliban are conservative. Ultra-conservative to put a fine point on it. They are the polar opposite of liberal. Not that I'd expect you to understand that, caught in up in the jingoistic rhetoric you espouse which is diametrically opposed to the jingoism you espouse. No surprise there.
First off, most of you have demonstrated you have absolutely zero knowledge regarding the concepts of protected and commercial speech. Newflash kids, commercial speech is not a guarenteed right. Want to stand on a street corner and rail at the government or a political party? That's your right. Want to capitalize on a corporation's goodwill? Sorry, not permitted. How many of you actually understand what corporate goodwill means?
Allow me to simplify for those who don't understand the law. This is not Blizzard sticking it some underdog. This is Blizzard protecting their PROPERTY. It's theirs. They created it. They maintain it. Buddy is trying to make a buck off it. Nothing wrong with that...so long as they get a cut. He's telling people how to utilize their property to profit by it and calling it educational.
Want to understand what "fair use" is?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_useImagine you invest a ton of money in something. It's a success. Then people start coming out of the woodwork making money on what you created without giving you a taste. Think that's fair? I hope to god some of you say yes and go on to create something that is a success so I can take advantage of you and your work. You clowns arguing against this are parasite's dream. That is if you could actually create something successful, and with that sort of small and limited thinking is unlikely in the extreme in the first place.
"You gotta keep on keepin' on, brother!"
- Joe Dirt
"And then, suddenly and without warning, it turned into a real-life case of hungry, hungry hippos."
- Stephen Colbert