a good and happy story...
makes me wanna go out and buy a copy...
What a nice article
nice? Nice?? uh... r-i-g-h-t... sharing is caring, we should do it for the children, kumbaya, peace, love, perfect astral harmony...
***suspicious, he mouses over "Peedee" and sees Posts: 1, recalls other recent 1-5 post authors suggestions to buy a certain game and wonders if Blue's is being targeted by scientologist game company manipulators***
edit: re the article itself -
1500 members in -Customer- Support doesn't sound right; maybe the total Support Division, which could include Tech Support, Internal Support, and half a dozen other Support sub-Departments might have 1500 total staff.
So people came in, on their day off, without encouragement, without being asked to, with their families, to package up boxes to send out.
don't forget Without Pay too.
yeah that's 'nice', check back in 5 years and see if those same people feel the same way about working weekends for free, or see if they still have jobs that weren't outsourced to Bangalore.
Small 'mom and pop' companies like this rarely succeed over the long term before they either fall on hard times financially and go under, or are gobbled up by some corporate takeover. i know cuz i worked for 2 such game companies that were started in people's living rooms, grew to a certain size and then disappeared. The owners got rich and everyone else got... other jobs.
'Nice' while it lasts but it never lasts.
This comment was edited on Feb 26, 17:16.