This SCi press release (thanks Frans and
GameGossip) has an
update on the company's financial condition, offering a couple of new
revelations. The announcement mentions Urban Chaos: Riot Response, which may be
a follow-up to Urban Chaos, the third-person action game by defunct developer
Mucky Foot Productions. The PS2 is only platform mentioned so far, as the
Official PS2 magazine is pumped enough about this to put out some sort of APB.
The other revelation is the inevitable continuation of the Tomb Raider series,
saying: "In addition we are developing a special edition of Tomb Raider to
celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of Lara Croft, clearly established as one of the icons of
video games."
Urban Chaos got some excellent reviews. I remember because I saw a cheap copy, looked it up, read said reviews, went back and bought it, and... was mightily disappointed.