Hi Dan--
I'll just offer this one example: This week's episode, and alternate SG1 team came through and caused mayhem by trying to steal Atlantis's ZPM. Now, I don't watch the show that much, but I know this. If an SG1 team left in green uniforms, and came back early in black uniforms, General Hammond (Don Davis) or O'niel (RDA) would have said "shoot them", rather than letting them have free reign of SGC until a lightbulb went off saying "gee, these aren't my guys..."
Hellovashort story, huh?
As for my "going to hell" comment, by comparison to the mythological tie-ins that the Gouaould had (egyptian gods), the Auri are a very sad and unbelievable attempt at saying "oops! they aren't canning the show...we need new bad guys. STAT!"
These new bad guys read like Star Trek Technobabble(tm)... IMO.
This comment was edited on Jan 21, 23:20.