Stargate SG-1 Cancelled?

Gamecloud reports another twist in the ongoing epic saga of the Stargate SG-1 game (thanks Frans). This project was previously reported as cancelled by JoWooD (story), a report that was contradicted by developer Perception (story). It was then revealed that Namco was eager to step in as publisher of this game (story and story), while a subsequent finding by a bankruptcy court seemed to find fault in the dispute over the game to lie with Perception (story). The new report comes from Crazy Ivan's Stargate Alliance Board, where word is:
It pains me to say this but unfortunately Stargate SG-1 The Alliance has been canceled.

An official statement is forth coming from MGM and/or perception in the coming days.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the employees of Perception all the very best for the future. Having seen the game first hand I know you guys did a fantastic job and you have every right to feel proud of what you have done.

I encourage all the Perception employees who are hidden members of this forum to let yourselves be known. You should be proud of the work you have done and I encourage all members of the forum here to congratulate the Perception crew and to wish them all the very best.
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Re: No subject
Jan 22, 2006, 08:25
Re: No subject Jan 22, 2006, 08:25
Jan 22, 2006, 08:25
Doesn't bother me if all of them are cancelled. Sci-fi TV has really gone down hill. Ever since Red Dwarf left TV, there hasn't been one sci-fi show I've even been remotely interested in. Galactica's half-arsed remake is a slap in the face to real sci fi, and Stargate is almost as bad as farscape...which sound so similar that I think both of the show's scripts crawled out from under the same sweaty fat guy's couch cushion.

The only GOOD thing on sci-fi will be when they start showing the new Dr. Who episodes. Granted, most of us have seen them on the net, but this gives us a reason to enjoy them again...on our TVs rather then our monitors.

Sci-fi is dead. Face it.


You sir are an idiot. Galactica is the best SciFi show in a LONG time.

This comment was edited on Jan 22, 12:58.
Avatar 23550
Re: No subject
Jan 22, 2006, 07:29
Re: No subject Jan 22, 2006, 07:29
Jan 22, 2006, 07:29
So, how is the new Galactica a half-arsed remake? With great acting from a very well-put-together cast, to a constant developing storyline, to some of the best visual effects on TV...and you're going to compare that with a ridiculously annoying robot dog? If you've come in halfway through the series, you've missed a lot simply because of the format of the show; otherwise, I'd love to hear a solid reason for your dislike.

Red Dwarf was amusing while it was on (and is still great today), but the scifi aspects were light and really an excuse for absurdity. Not to say that I didn't like the series, but scifi was an explanation, not an exploration as it should be. Dr. Who, while occasionally brilliant, is largely mired in sheer mediocrity and fully encapsulated episodes which have no effect on the whole. The acting has, over the decades, been hammy and over-the-top, and occasional cleverness can't cover for the frequent weak dialogue and shaky plots.

I don't mean to make this a personal attack, merely an observation based on personal experience, but you seem like someone who was raised by, or is, a middle-aged British man who longs for the 'old days' of scifi so much that you're blinding yourself to what's actually available these days. Shockingly enough, over the span of the last 15 years, there have been a few good things to come out of some of the world's most creative writing minds.

Avatar 19465
Jan 22, 2006, 06:19
NERDS! Jan 22, 2006, 06:19
Jan 22, 2006, 06:19
N.E.R.D.S !!!!!!

Now you'll excuse me while I finish the constuction of my life size rendition of Tom Sellek made out of body hair taken from one of his dissused matresses.


This comment was edited on Jan 22, 06:24.
Re: No subject
Jan 22, 2006, 04:51
Re: No subject Jan 22, 2006, 04:51
Jan 22, 2006, 04:51
I dont give a damn about Stargate since the show is just plain bad but I wanted to state that the remake of Battlestar Galactica must be the finest Sci-Fi show since Star Trek TNG (you cant really compare the two but I'm talking about quality here). Sure, some nerds are pissed because Starbuck is a woman but who cares? I cannot praise Galacticas pure sci fi quality enough.
Supporter of the "Chewbacca Defense"
Re: No subject
Jan 22, 2006, 04:23
Re: No subject Jan 22, 2006, 04:23
Jan 22, 2006, 04:23
You're an absolute moron to want crappy SG1 vs no SG1, better that SG1 be remembered for the good series that it WAS, not for the crapfest that its rapidly heading towards. The fact that you're apparently worried more about having *something* to watch over something *good* to watch is just sad really. you want crappy television? watch your average non-cable network show. That should more than satisfy you.

Well, I recognize your opinion, beligerant as it may be.

But, you're wrong.

Re: No subject
Jan 22, 2006, 04:18
Re: No subject Jan 22, 2006, 04:18
Jan 22, 2006, 04:18
Doesn't bother me if all of them are cancelled. Sci-fi TV has really gone down hill. Ever since Red Dwarf left TV, there hasn't been one sci-fi show I've even been remotely interested in. Galactica's half-arsed remake is a slap in the face to real sci fi, and Stargate is almost as bad as farscape...which sound so similar that I think both of the show's scripts crawled out from under the same sweaty fat guy's couch cushion.

The only GOOD thing on sci-fi will be when they start showing the new Dr. Who episodes. Granted, most of us have seen them on the net, but this gives us a reason to enjoy them again...on our TVs rather then our monitors.

Sci-fi is dead. Face it.

This comment was edited on Feb 2, 23:32.
Avatar 13929
Re: No subject
Jan 22, 2006, 03:52
Re: No subject Jan 22, 2006, 03:52
Jan 22, 2006, 03:52
Like it or not, SG1 and Atlantis are pretty popular, and one each of what, 3 televised scifi shows, BSG being the other. Like someone said, i'd much rather have stargate with all its cheese than no stargate or scifi.

When stargate is finished with, there will be no scifi franchises left. BSG has its end written into it. What are you gonna do when it's all wrapped up and done with, whinge about there being no scifi on tv anymore?

Give me new series of stargate over repeats of enterprise or these half-assed efforts that keep coming and going any day.

I personally count Lost as scifi anyway.

There will always be new shows and new SCiFi series. Heck some of the best Scifi shows ever got cancelled fast and never got poular or the exposure they deserve.
The Whales name is Bob.
Re: It should be said
Jan 22, 2006, 03:01
Re: It should be said Jan 22, 2006, 03:01
Jan 22, 2006, 03:01
Good games don't get cancelled.

The Sam n Max sequel might have proved otherwise...

Re: No subject
Jan 22, 2006, 01:04
Re: No subject Jan 22, 2006, 01:04
Jan 22, 2006, 01:04
the publisher cut them off for quality issues

What bizzaro world do you come from? Publishers caring about the quality of the product? weird.

You're an absolute moron to want crappy SG1 vs no SG1, better that SG1 be remembered for the good series that it WAS, not for the crapfest that its rapidly heading towards. The fact that you're apparently worried more about having *something* to watch over something *good* to watch is just sad really. you want crappy television? watch your average non-cable network show. That should more than satisfy you.

let SG1 die with dignity, if it has any left.

This comment was edited on Jan 22, 01:05.
No subject
Jan 22, 2006, 00:48
No subject Jan 22, 2006, 00:48
Jan 22, 2006, 00:48
Like it or not, SG1 and Atlantis are pretty popular, and one each of what, 3 televised scifi shows, BSG being the other. Like someone said, i'd much rather have stargate with all its cheese than no stargate or scifi.

When stargate is finished with, there will be no scifi franchises left. BSG has its end written into it. What are you gonna do when it's all wrapped up and done with, whinge about there being no scifi on tv anymore?

Give me new series of stargate over repeats of enterprise or these half-assed efforts that keep coming and going any day.

I personally count Lost as scifi anyway.

No subject
Jan 21, 2006, 23:56
No subject Jan 21, 2006, 23:56
Jan 21, 2006, 23:56
Nice how any discussion on the internet can erupt into a mindless flamewar, where everyone completely loses sight of the original topic within three forums posts.

The fact is, the game was probably crap. The whole thing started when JoWood the publisher cut them off for quality issues. The developer sued them and lost, and the court ruling said that the developer was indisputably at fault for missing deadlines. The game was originally scheduled for a fall 2005 release. Based on court documents, JoWood had already paid the developer 5 millino euros (7 mil US), which is no chump change, so the game must have really been shit for them to decide to just write that off. They canned the game two months before the original release date; and for a publisher with JoWood's track record to do that rather than just release an incomplete game, well, that's gotta tell you something.

Are you kidding me?
Jan 21, 2006, 23:51
Are you kidding me? Jan 21, 2006, 23:51
Jan 21, 2006, 23:51
quoting Rathy

"Farscape: crap. Andromeda: real crap. Firefly: boring (sorry)."

I lurk, all the time. While I enjoy reading the comments part of each article, I never felt the need to reply. You sir, are a reason to register and reply.

Farscape was crap? Are you insane? Farscape was some genius television. You didn't care for "muppets"? Didn't like the dialgue? Those are usually the bigger gripes of people. The show was pure genius. It reminded me alot of Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine: from episode 1 you are kicked into a season progressing storyline. Sure there were plenty of filler and episodal stories but if you watch the show from season 1 to season 4 and the miniseries that tied it up you have to admit the long running stories were some of the greatest entertainment ever. While I can agree SG-1 "was" getting a little stale, the meer fact it is being rekindled with the man known as John Crichton, mr Ben Browder, I think that speaks enough for itself how much Scapers want to see Ben the lead in another show.

Firefly was boring? Two words: Joss Whedon. If that isn't enough for you to enjoy this show despite its short run, then you obviously are not much a tv show fan.

Please, go back and watch American Survivor Idol Island or whatever popular popculture lowest common denomiator tv show is "hip" at the moment.

Re: No subject
Jan 21, 2006, 23:11
Re: No subject Jan 21, 2006, 23:11
Jan 21, 2006, 23:11
pgoeleven-- no worries. I learned the hard way.


This comment was edited on Jan 21, 23:15.
Re: ...
Jan 21, 2006, 23:04
Re: ... Jan 21, 2006, 23:04
Jan 21, 2006, 23:04
"It's not like the Bablyon 5 space game that was cancelled years ago where it actually looked amazing."

Thanks. We worked hard on that one.


This comment was edited on Jan 21, 23:15.
Re: Excellent
Jan 21, 2006, 22:49
Re: Excellent Jan 21, 2006, 22:49
Jan 21, 2006, 22:49
Lindset I was talking probability. Businesses exist to earn a profit and they devote analysis to ascertain their profit capabilities. If a publisher thinks that chances are good the money they are investing into a developer will result in a higher return than the investment, they don't cancel games. Profit is the motive. That's I said what I said.

No subject
Jan 21, 2006, 22:30
No subject Jan 21, 2006, 22:30
Jan 21, 2006, 22:30
- I'm not from the US so I don't know how all that network/syndication stuff works out there but I guess you're right, at least I got an explanation for Andromeda now.

- I've only seen up until S8 of SG1, and yeah it's really getting bad. Like this season of That '70s Show, that show has been circling the drain for a few seasons, but now that their main character is out of the picture...

Re: No subject
Jan 21, 2006, 22:15
Re: No subject Jan 21, 2006, 22:15
Jan 21, 2006, 22:15
There are only a handful of syndicated science fiction shows actually worth watching, and Stargare (both of them) is no exception. Sure SG-1 has gone to hell, but crappy SG-1 is better than no SG-1, because 1) as long as SG-1 exists there can be crossovers into Atlantis, and 2)Aside from Battlestar Galactica, there's not much on to replace it in the realm of true science fiction. I love SG-1 and Atlantis, despite their shortcomings, and as long as they air, I have something to watch that i'll enjoy more than not.

As far as the game goes, this sucks balls, but the least they could do is release what they've got to the public so that possibly fans with the skills could complete what was left. They won't make any more money on this fucking game, so release it to the fans and let us play what was made. I played this at E3, and it was a blast.

No subject
Jan 21, 2006, 21:30
No subject Jan 21, 2006, 21:30
Jan 21, 2006, 21:30
Hate to say it, but SG1 does need to get cancelled. It was a great show, but its run its course and needs to die. Its getting more and more ridiculous how much technology earth gets. In nine years they go to ignorant of the stargate and the galaxy, to major galactic power, shittons of Ancient tech, a small fleet of man-made intergalactic ships, and yet the its still magically a secret still....bullshit.

The Orii are a lame foe, we've already done the "bad guys pretending to be gods" bit enough already, try to play a new tune.

You want to impress me? make season ten about how the Stargate finally goes public and the chaos that erupts.

And sorry, I wouldn't kick Amanda Tapping out of bed, but still, she ain't that hot anymore.

Time to move on.

And though I am extremely skeptical as to the quality of the game, I still probably would have purchased it.

Re: Excellent
Jan 21, 2006, 20:48
Re: Excellent Jan 21, 2006, 20:48
Jan 21, 2006, 20:48
This saddens me but reminds me of the same thing happening with the Babylon 5 game.

Now B5, that was a Sci Fi show.

Re: Excellent
Jan 21, 2006, 20:29
Re: Excellent Jan 21, 2006, 20:29
Jan 21, 2006, 20:29
Now my life is complete. I got personally flamed by Derek Smart and Hellbinder! But is it me or does Hellbinder sound a lot like Derek Smart?

Yes, but still, your comment was pretty damn ignorant

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