UFO: Afterlight (working title) is sequel to UFO: Aftermath and UFO: Aftershock series, which brings you completely new insight to story of Aftershock, this time from lonely human inhabitants on Mars.
Game play highlights
• combination of global strategy and tactical missions
• new strategic game with resources management and terraforming possible in later stage of the game
• advanced tactical portion of the game with possibility to enter buildings, different heights, destructible environment, thermo visions and more
• even stronger RPG elements, all your subjects are known by name, complex training system, special equipment and more
• completely new story building on the events from UFO: Aftershock
• large number of new technologies, weapons and equipment to develop
• completely new environments on a planet different from Earth
• more complex diplomacy option affecting the story
• aliens, drons and robots in your team
• new enemies and new alien races with variable weapons and battle tactics
so when are they going to finally make a faithful rendition of the Battletech table top game. I want an updated graphical MMO version of all those old MU* games I used to play. Real time, but still faithful to the tabletop game.
so when are they going to finally make a faithful rendition of the Battletech table top game. I want an updated graphical MMO version of all those old MU* games I used to play. Real time, but still faithful to the tabletop game.
I can understand its roots in real table top games, but now your on a multiprocessing fast gaming machine..turn based games are redundant now.
you obviously dont understand - tabletop wargames will NEVER EVER GO AWAY
but they will migrate onto computers and beyond
Why turn based these days>??????
I can understand its roots in real table top games, but now your on a multiprocessing fast gaming machine..turn based games are redundant now. This game was cool back in 1994 or whenever it first came out but now its boresome...
I can understand its roots in real table top games, but now your on a multiprocessing fast gaming machine..turn based games are redundant now.
Thats why I like RTS (and other real-time tactical/strategy) games that allow you to make commands while the game is paused....Agreed with both points - I hope Supreme Commander allows that sort of stuff in SP mode
but I don't play those genres of games online anyways.
I can understand its roots in real table top games, but now your on a multiprocessing fast gaming machine..turn based games are redundant now. This game was cool back in 1994 or whenever it first came out but now its boresome...UFO: Aftermath and UFO: Aftershock both use the S.A.S. system, which is sort of a real-time with pause system. I imagine UFO: Afterlight will also use this system, so where did you get turn-based from? These games are not part of the X-COM line of games.
And that's why excellent RTS players are rated on how many clicks they can make per second. Most of the time it's not about what decisions you make, but how fast you can make them, which makes it a very different game.
I think they may be struggling for subtitles starting with 'After' now, though.