Ray Marden - I do have to wonder WTF Valve is doing right now; the whole "takin a long time" thing really is not so funny anymore and DoD:S, even though I love it, is hardly a complete product right now.
Valve has been working on Half Life 2 for XBox (which just went gold today, we should see Blue adding it to the news page soon enough).
DoD Source they were working on completing in time for the Electronic Arts retail packages, so that put the CSS updates and Lost Coast on hold for awhile.
Aside from Valve having played with 3 or 4 different ways of doing HDR, I think the developer commentary has taken them awhile to implement, as it wasn't originally planned for Lost Coast.
They were also working on the Steam 3 update, to get it out in time for the first 3rd party release (Rag Doll).
Now all that is left of current projects is Aftermath, which I'm sure got put on hold (or had a limited focus) due to everything else. There was an interview back in August at 1up.com, where the guys at Valve were saying how much time they had been spending working on Alex's AI and had taken alot longer than they planned. And once they were done with her AI, they had to revisit all the other AI in the game because they had made so many improvements.
So now we can expect some updates to CSS and DoD Source in the semi near future. Beyond that, only Valve knows what they have planned.
UPDATE: Just found this
http://modhq.notepadhax.com/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1130213250&archive=&start_from=&ucat=3&They have been working on adding HDR to the CSS maps as well..woohoo!
Zero Tolerance Games -
http://www.ztgames.comCSS Server
DoDs Server
This comment was edited on Oct 25, 18:38.