Big Jack Attack

Anti-game activist Jack Thompson under investigation (thanks Mike Martinez) reports on the latest bits of insanity from the world of Jack Thomson, Crusading Attorney™, saying his shenanigans are subjecting him to the type of scrutiny he seems so eager to focus on the actions of others. Here's a bit on the aftermath of the whole modest proposal/Penny Arcade (story) episode:
The threats then escalated. Jack then faxed a letter to the Seattle Police Department claiming that Penny Arcade was "criminally harassing" him, and urging the arrest of "this little extortion factory".

At this point, the nerds swung into action. Penny Arcade forum members wrote, edited and sent letters and faxes to the Florida Bar Association detailing Thompson's activities and urging the review of his license to practice law. Jack Thompson has already received a reprimand by the FBA for his antics in 1998, and according to a spokesperson, the letters and faxes have been received and forwarded to the disciplinary committee.

Already, other activists against video game violence are starting to distance themselves from Jack Thompson. Earlier this month, the National Institute on Media and the Family wrote a letter to Jack, asking him to remove the link to their organization from his web site. While Mr. Thompson's fifteen minutes of fame may be waning, the issue of violence in video games remains a hot topic.
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Re: Jack's insane
Oct 21, 2005, 15:24
Re: Jack's insane Oct 21, 2005, 15:24
Oct 21, 2005, 15:24
So what? So the media is presenting a one sided report, what else is new? They've been doing that on every topic for as long as they've existed. None of the media reports matter one bit in the long run, despite the "influence" that Jack Thompson ascribes to himself.

It's not that it's one sided. Jack actually doesn't present a valid side in this debate.

He just presents the loudest and craziest.

Look, take three people on the street. One is playing a GameBoy and mostly minding his own business. The second has some research papers he'd like to discuss with you.

The third has a sandwich board on his chest proclaiming that the end is near and screaming that devices connected to televisions will train children to kill you.

Who gets the most attention? Sadly the third. But the people who actually do the work and research on the real sides of this debate aren't involved with him and increasingly want to have nothing to do with him.

So the only thing the mainstream media is accomplishing here is granting a lunatic a platform. They're not even airing the real debate.

Re: Jack's insane
Oct 21, 2005, 09:06
Re: Jack's insane Oct 21, 2005, 09:06
Oct 21, 2005, 09:06
I'd rather see a double knockout.

I do think it is pretty ironic that gamers are advocating such violence against a guy (even though he is a demagogue) who wants violent video games banned because of their corrupting influence.

You misread my post. When I say completely obliterate, I mean in a discussion. I think Derek can probably fling insults an order of magnitude better than Jack Thompson can, so it'd be nice to see the old fart reduced to a shrivelling crying heap of misery.

I'm not advocating violence against the guy, if only for the reason that I wouldn't want to give him any ammo to use against "The Gamers".


Avatar 15604
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 21, 2005, 09:04
Re: Jack's insane Oct 21, 2005, 09:04
Oct 21, 2005, 09:04
Please! That crackpot threatens legal action agains't everyone and their dog for very little reason. That's called barratry, and it's illegal in most jurisdictions. He's abusing his position as a lawyer to intimidate people with baseless lawsuit threats.

While I agree with your intent, Shadow (and the last I want is to appear as if I'm defending Jack fucking Thompson), if idiot lawsuits really were illegal, I'd think the United States wouldn't see about 900 million of them a year...


Avatar 15604
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 19:19
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 19:19
Oct 20, 2005, 19:19

Numbers don't lie.
A message of hope to those who choose to hear it,
and a warning to those who do not.
No subject
Oct 20, 2005, 18:53
No subject Oct 20, 2005, 18:53
Oct 20, 2005, 18:53
thank you, sir...

and now, the cavalcade begins anew

music from space captain:
Re: No subject
Oct 20, 2005, 18:49
Re: No subject Oct 20, 2005, 18:49
Oct 20, 2005, 18:49
Captain, it's now according to his domain registration. It was previously when I was in the business of sending him a series of ludicrous, half-drunk dissertations but I think we've crushed that account.

No subject
Oct 20, 2005, 18:45
No subject Oct 20, 2005, 18:45
Oct 20, 2005, 18:45
the D&D witchhunt brought us Tom Hank's finest role, in the blockbuster "Mazes and Monsters"... so it wasnt all bad

music from space captain:
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 18:27
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 18:27
Oct 20, 2005, 18:27
Arnold, Hillary & congress pay attention to him only inasmuch as it helped them to pander to a certain group of "Our Kids Are Being Screwed Up By Rock N Roll Music, Hippies, Dungeons and Dragons, Heavy Metal Games! Something Must Be Done!"

You are aware JT has dabbled in all of those and was a prime mover in the Parental Advisory movement and the 2 Live Crew witch hunts.

Also, there's nothing stopping you being intelligent AND an asshat.

Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 18:20
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 18:20
Oct 20, 2005, 18:20
I would subscribe to digital cable just to see that match. Whether you like Derek or not, I think most people would agree he would chew up and spit out Jack Thompson in any debate.

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No subject
Oct 20, 2005, 18:19
No subject Oct 20, 2005, 18:19
Oct 20, 2005, 18:19
anyone still have Jack's email on hand? wasnt it on comcast or something?

music from space captain:
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 17:37
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 17:37
Oct 20, 2005, 17:37
But then, in the end, what does anything of what he has done, have to do with him being a lawyer? Why would any of that fall under the providence of the FBA anyways? Why would they disbar him? Because he takes an impopular stance? Last I checked, the man was free to voice his opinion. That the media humps his leg like a cash starved wh0re is sad, but that's the American media for you.
I don't think he really has done anything to merit his disbarment.

Please! That crackpot threatens legal action agains't everyone and their dog for very little reason. That's called barratry, and it's illegal in most jurisdictions. He's abusing his position as a lawyer to intimidate people with baseless lawsuit threats.

His total lack of professionalism also makes the FBA look really bad. He can't even comment on the issue without resorting to insults and personal attacks.

I say we let him and dsmart go at it in a steel caged octogon. If that ever happens, I'm watching it on pay per view.

Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 17:26
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 17:26
Oct 20, 2005, 17:26
Shit, I would pay like 50 bucks to see that matchup on PPV. But only if you promise to completely obliterate the miserable little mongrel.
I'd rather see a double knockout.

I do think it is pretty ironic that gamers are advocating such violence against a guy (even though he is a demagogue) who wants violent video games banned because of their corrupting influence.

Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 17:23
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 17:23
Oct 20, 2005, 17:23
Gamers.. you asked for a miracle... I give you the FB..A

Okay, bonus points for the Die Hard quote.


Avatar 15604
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 17:12
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 17:12
Oct 20, 2005, 17:12
My apologies.

You're forgiven. We're all human, I think.

*removes knife*

Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 17:07
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 17:07
Oct 20, 2005, 17:07
Knowledgeable is probably a better word, or at least having the ability to quickly find the answer to a question. All we have to do is ask Riley
Thanks for the plug. Let me remove this knife before you twist it.

This comment was edited on Oct 20, 17:09.
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 17:00
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 17:00
Oct 20, 2005, 17:00
I said the FBA (Florida Bar Association).
My apologies. I was thinking of Jack Thompson's complaints to the FBI about those supposed death threats and thought it was a typo.

This comment was edited on Oct 20, 17:01.
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 16:54
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 16:54
Oct 20, 2005, 16:54
No one listens to us gamers anyways

Gamers.. you asked for a miracle... I give you the FB..A

Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 16:49
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 16:49
Oct 20, 2005, 16:49
Riley did you honestly just confuse the FBA with the FBI?

C'mon, c'mon. You can tell us... We won't tell anyone.

Avatar 17249
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 16:47
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 16:47
Oct 20, 2005, 16:47
Jack wasnt nimble, jack wasnt quick, jack got burned by the candle stick.

Avatar 21539
Re: Jack's insane
Oct 20, 2005, 16:47
Re: Jack's insane Oct 20, 2005, 16:47
Oct 20, 2005, 16:47
magine what would happen if someone hosted a debate between myself (I'm about 30 mins from Jack's office) and Jack about his recent antics and the violence in gaming farce. Now that would be something.

I'd pay good money to see you both in the Mad Max thunderdome with chainsaws and bungie cords, as the Blues News Massive bays for blood at the ringside...

This comment was edited on Oct 20, 16:48.
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