I think the game is balanced fairly well. With the exception of the jets. The only way I can take a jet down is by getting in one myself.
I use the AA vehicles against choppers and tanks all the time. They work surprisingly well. However, I think the helicopter missiles should dish out more damage. I swear I have hit enemy copters with several missiles before it starts to take any real damage.
Capping in a chopper should be allowed. It is a viable tactic. If you have a tank or another vehicle roll in that chopper will leave quickly. I guess the people complaining about this never played BF:V? We did this all the time. I think the people are really upset with the blackhawk repair exploit when they complain about this.
And yeah people do not know how to fly just yet... I'm still learning the harrier myself.
I like the idea of the rank applying to vehicles.
Supply drops fix everything else why not the commander equipment? It only makes sense...
My list of fixes:
Update the GUI for the fucking browser. It's 2005! Give me a favorites, buddy lists, etc....
Running teammates over is too sensitive.
My vehicle blowing up and killing a teammate should not count as a TK.
Allow Blue to run the game in 1600x1200!
And finally, I'd like to see the addition of jetpacks, skiing, and spinfusers!
Mmm coffee.
I don't play video games... I play murder simulators.