BF2: Special Forces Announced

With the dull thud still audible from the release of the first abortive BF2 patch, EA and Digital Illusions Announce Development of Battlefield 2 Special Forces Expansion Pack unveils plans for the first expansion for DICE's military shooter sequel. There's also a Battlefield 2: Special Forces Q&A on IGN discussing the project, revealing that new features will include a grappling hook and night vision goggles (along with an end to the nine-to-five war with the inclusion of night maps where the goggles will be useful). Here's a bit from the announcement for the add-on, which is due this fall:
In Battlefield 2: Special Forces, players will choose to fight as one of 6 different Special Forces soldiers -- Navy SEALs, British SAS, Russian Spetznas, MEC Special Forces, Rebel groups and insurgents. Armed with the latest Special Forces weaponry, players can take control of any of the game's 10 new vehicles to engage in major conflicts with up to 64 players. Additionally, persistent character growth allows players to continue to rise through the ranks.

Battlefield 2: Special Forces takes the intensity and quality of Battlefield 2 behind the scenes of news headlines, showcasing the most elite and deadly forces in the modern military world. Using accurate Special Forces weapons, gadgets, and vehicles, these covert armies battle to control key military and strategic locations.
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Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA
Jul 15, 2005, 11:03
Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA Jul 15, 2005, 11:03
Jul 15, 2005, 11:03
I use that word on a regular basis. It's timeless.


Blue Sky Mine
He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.
Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA
Jul 15, 2005, 07:22
Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA Jul 15, 2005, 07:22
Jul 15, 2005, 07:22
Heh...asshattery. Heh...

"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
Avatar 17185
Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA
Jul 15, 2005, 01:31
Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA Jul 15, 2005, 01:31
Jul 15, 2005, 01:31
Ya keep waiting! You do that! wait...... keep waiting...... Wow Im 50 years old and im still waiting! Find the perfect game and ill buy you a beer:0) IF you are old enough to drinK that is!:)

Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA
Jul 14, 2005, 23:05
Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA Jul 14, 2005, 23:05
Jul 14, 2005, 23:05
dont worry, things will become clearer once you get out of high school

music from space captain:
Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA
Jul 14, 2005, 22:04
Re: Dice Sucks and So does EA Jul 14, 2005, 22:04
Jul 14, 2005, 22:04 know the MAIN problem here? is that companies in general havent come up with anything new really in this all relying on previous decades and just regurgitating it out and we buy it..its sad..its called marketing aka propoganda...and well...bf2 could be considered a really fancy version of doom 2 coop really. does it have coop? yes. does it involve shooting other players/opponents? yes. is it an fps? yes? does it drive the systems of the time? yes. movie plots as well..same stuff...but i wont get into the movies/music aspect..thats just too much..but for games..we really havent seen anything new. Doom 3 was fairly interesting storywise/effectwise combo, but one lopsided the other. So what you have here is a large company *EA/Dice* using the same formula they have used, semi-successfully for years now...unfortunately..its starting to wean..and get out of control...with all the resources EA would think they would invest heavily into their R&D dept, and find something TRUELY NEW and there a larger conglomerate than EA right now in the PC games world? im not sure, i havent been looking at the stock prices etc..but im guessing that theres very few as large as them...and im sure they are becoming dangerously close to a monopoly as well, which as far as i was aware of, was illegal in north america to do. but im not up to date on that aspect either. but back to my point, gaming is just prettier these days than it was say 10 years ago. thats about the only difference. bigger systems required, more resources, more marketing, more crap, less interest.
ps Hope i kept this in order...i got brainfreeze while writing this so hopefully its still in order

Dice Sucks and So does EA
Jul 14, 2005, 21:36
Dice Sucks and So does EA Jul 14, 2005, 21:36
Jul 14, 2005, 21:36
This type of asshattery is exactly why I don't buy EA games anymore period. Just hold out for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Splash Damage is making the game and they actually know how to put out a good product as they are actual modders who got together to form Splash Damage. I will bet hands down that the game play in ET:QW smokes anything that EA can half-ass churn out in the next 5 years.

On Point King

This comment was edited on Jul 14, 21:36.
Re: ASLayerAODsk
Jul 14, 2005, 21:22
Re: ASLayerAODsk Jul 14, 2005, 21:22
Jul 14, 2005, 21:22
This is why I don't buy DICE/EA bullshit anymore. It's so much fun watching everyone bitch about their same old shit as usual. WTF do you clowns keep supporting these idiots?

"'s to feelin' good all the time!"
- Kramer
"And then, suddenly and without warning, it turned into a real-life case of hungry, hungry hippos."
- Stephen Colbert
Jul 14, 2005, 20:22
ASLayerAODsk Jul 14, 2005, 20:22
Jul 14, 2005, 20:22
I too would be MORE then happy to make a constructive post, as I have done in the past, but the big issue is that people feel totally shafted, and I for one agree with them. The support for this game is abismal as I'm sure you can agree. I never did purchase or play BF:V, and in some ways am thankful for that. What's even more scarey is EA's own claims (provided by EA via video on the BF2 site) of how big their QA dept is for this game, and yet after the first patch the community is befuddled beyond belief.
Some of the bugs that were released with the game are highly suspect, such as lack of points for Spec Ops for destroying UAV/Radar/Arty, to the red name tag if you pick up an enemy kit. Not to mention the fact that EA suggested everyone reinstall the game rather then use the patch.

Were angry and I think we have every right to be especially now that an expansion has been announced, and there have yet to be any announcement about the Editor (which should be released any day now) and patch concerns.

Avatar 12670
Jul 14, 2005, 19:53
Yeah...right! Jul 14, 2005, 19:53
Jul 14, 2005, 19:53
Dice can't even fix the one they have and they are already talking about ripping us all off again? Sorry, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I put EA Gameless up there with Sierra. Not really bright in the marketing department and in need of some REAL coders.

Jul 14, 2005, 19:22
Sheesh Jul 14, 2005, 19:22
Jul 14, 2005, 19:22
The expansion will be out before day of defeat source...
Doin' it Big
Re: No subject
Jul 14, 2005, 19:16
Re: No subject Jul 14, 2005, 19:16
Jul 14, 2005, 19:16

I would like to see night vision usefull on some maps, just not all. Also, if they can make it so only PARTS of maps require it, we might have a little more fun with it. I dont think I want to play entire maps with green screen, but having to switch it on for dark areas on the map would make for nice effect.

Blue Sky Mine
He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.
Jul 14, 2005, 19:15
Re: VACS Jul 14, 2005, 19:15
Jul 14, 2005, 19:15
Ah yes, they always do begin with ad hominem attacks.

The only thing I see BF2 mildly pushing the limits of would be graphics. As far as my gaming experience has dictated, it's not breaking any ground in other areas, like some of the games you mentioned did (Tribes being the game that arguably the BF series got much of it's vehicular/on-foot combination multiplayer combat from). It certainly is breaking customer's patience, though.

We might not see BF2 specifically on consoles, but we will see very similar games that take advantage of everything the new consoles will have...which from what I can tell are all of the things you've listed, plus other things (webcams displaying who you're playing against, for instance) that aren't listed. Consoles are very much becoming specialized versions of the PC, and if gaming companies such as EA don't move away from "quantity over quality" quickly, people will be moving over to games that they can at least play from the time the come back from the store without such silly programming errors.

Oh yes, and before something can be called a masterpiece, it must stand the test of time. Until then, that's just an opinion.

This comment was edited on Jul 14, 19:16.
No subject
Jul 14, 2005, 19:04
No subject Jul 14, 2005, 19:04
Jul 14, 2005, 19:04
the grappling hook and zipline sounds bad as hell

music from space captain:
Jul 14, 2005, 18:59
Re: VACS Jul 14, 2005, 18:59
Jul 14, 2005, 18:59
...and let them rott.

Rise of the Triad?

Jul 14, 2005, 18:49
Re: VACS Jul 14, 2005, 18:49
Jul 14, 2005, 18:49
Thanks to bitches like you EA and all other developers have no interest in developing games anymore for the PC and are going towards consoles because they sell more, apply to the masses like kids that love repetitive mind numbing games that take no chances.

Bitches like you crush games that try to push the limits. Ultimas, System Shock, Tribes, any game that requires more than 30 seconds of thought and a manual most dumb shits like yourself, can't handle.

You sir, don't understand anything and are one of those directly reponsible for the downfall of PC games the last few years.

Do you really thînk by buying EA games that you will help the current situation. The only result of your action is that EA's strategy is confirmed by your "I buy anything from EA to keep PC gaming alive" mentality and that EA will spend even more money to develop countless expansion packs and "buggy until patched 10 times" style games.

This unfortunately will NOT help the current devastating situation the PC market is in right now but only endanger it even more.

Funny, the games you named are some of the last games released in the better gaming period the industry was in a few years ago which is now extinct because EA bought all the big creative developping house and let them rot.

So, these games were not really the best examples you could have named to make your point, even less because I actually own System Shock 1 & 2 as also Tribes 1. I would love to see more games like these but unfortunately this is no longer possible because of EA. They now only make games based on franchises they can milk to death (the sims, madden, nfs, bf2...)

Too bad that people like you keep buying them because they believe that's how they can save the PC industry... what a joke, seriously.

If you really want to save the industry then you should only buy games like the amazing Psychonauts from small developpers like I did.

This comment was edited on Jul 14, 19:19.
Jul 14, 2005, 18:10
VACS Jul 14, 2005, 18:10
Jul 14, 2005, 18:10
First off fuck you Vacs.

Thanks to bitches like you EA and all other developers have no interest in developing games anymore for the PC and are going towards consoles because they sell more, apply to the masses like kids that love repetitive mind numbing games that take no chances.

Bitches like you crush games that try to push the limits. Ultimas, System Shock, Tribes, any game that requires more than 30 seconds of thought and a manual most dumb shits like yourself, can't handle.

I don't look forward to another console dominated era with trivial bullshit games that set the industry back 5-10 years that the PC has fought so hard to bring to the state it is today.

Think we will see BF2 on the consoles anytime soon? And I mean 64 players, headsets, keyboards, mice, etc? No, because it won't sell to the kids.

Money talk$, bullshit walks.

Jul 14, 2005, 17:56
... Jul 14, 2005, 17:56
Jul 14, 2005, 17:56
Well, I am digging the game. There are issues but that's how it goes sometimes. I have to take the good with the bad since Tribes is fucking dead.

My only gripe is that I can't fucking cowboy/Rambo like I can in every other FPS. That is, unless I grab a tank....

Anyway, the expansion looks cool. I expected them to pop one out quickly so it's no surprise. They'll patch the current game I'm sure... sooner or later.

I don't play video games... I play murder simulators.
Jul 14, 2005, 17:43
BF2 Jul 14, 2005, 17:43
Jul 14, 2005, 17:43
BF2 fucking kicks ass folks, period. Sure it has some big issues and released a press release for a broken game shows the pure lack of communication between the developers and the PR (women).

BF2 is great on a killer rig, and this game unfortunately requires that. EA should not try to cater to the lower end users. Anything below a DX9 card should not be supported at all. It is unfortunate that our "hobby" costs big time dollars, and video card upgrades have become a yearly thing it appears.

I feel your pain. I have two systems, one with an AMD64/6800GT and another with a AMD3200/ATI 9800 AIW. The Nvidia costs an arm and a testicle but the game flys, full max detail 1600X1200 all details high no fps drop online! Unbelieveable experience.

But on the ATI it runs like dog milk. And that pisses me off big time as this is a fast as hell card to (the ATI AIW 9800).

Anyways, the new broken patch is still better than what shipped out, and has helped nearly remove all lag for me. Try not to bash these guys too much as they are configuring for an infinite combination of systems and users with zero to infinity tech levels.

This game is art, a masterpiece, but only the wealthy can ride.

No subject
Jul 14, 2005, 17:39
No subject Jul 14, 2005, 17:39
Jul 14, 2005, 17:39
Everyone who buys this expansion pack should rott in hell knowing that he is supporting EA in their philosophie to extinguish any developper who dares to produce original and creative games.

Buying EA games means you support the people who are responsible for the current PC gaming downward spiral to boring, unimaginative, rushed out the door and buggy games which will result in the end of the PC gaming area we loved and enjoyed until a few years ago.

The same thing goes for the HL2 expansion pack "Aftermath". Buy it and you are personally responsible for the death of PC gaming and the welfare of big corporate publishers like EA who are only interested in trying to milk every franchise to death.

Proud NOT to have fallen for the BF2 hype.

This comment was edited on Jul 14, 18:35.
Nightvision ?!?!?
Jul 14, 2005, 17:22
Nightvision ?!?!? Jul 14, 2005, 17:22
Jul 14, 2005, 17:22
I am tired of nightvision in online FPS games. Whats the point when everyone cranks up their gamma on dark maps.

I like to play with the gamma low, and I like dark maps as long as its single player. In multiplayer I am at a severe disadvantage on dark maps as I refuse to turn up gamma or monitor brightness.

Leave it out as its pointless.

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