okie...you know the MAIN problem here? is that companies in general havent come up with anything new really in this decade...movies...music...its all relying on previous decades and just regurgitating it out and we buy it..its sad..its called marketing
aka propoganda...and well...bf2 could be considered a really fancy version of doom 2 coop really. does it have coop? yes. does it involve shooting other players/opponents? yes. is it an fps? yes? does it drive the systems of the time? yes. movie plots as well..same stuff...but i wont get into the movies/music aspect..thats just too much..but for games..we really havent seen anything new. Doom 3 was fairly interesting storywise/effectwise combo, but one lopsided the other. So what you have here is a large company *EA/Dice* using the same formula they have used, semi-successfully for years now...unfortunately..its starting to wean..and get out of control...with all the resources EA has..you would think they would invest heavily into their R&D dept, and find something TRUELY NEW and inventive...is there a larger conglomerate than EA right now in the PC games world? im not sure, i havent been looking at the stock prices etc..but im guessing that theres very few as large as them...and im sure they are becoming dangerously close to a monopoly as well, which as far as i was aware of, was illegal in north america to do. but im not up to date on that aspect either. but back to my point, gaming is just prettier these days than it was say 10 years ago. thats about the only difference. bigger systems required, more resources, more marketing, more crap, less interest.
ps Hope i kept this in order...i got brainfreeze while writing this so hopefully its still in order