Thanks to bitches like you EA and all other developers have no interest in developing games anymore for the PC and are going towards consoles because they sell more, apply to the masses like kids that love repetitive mind numbing games that take no chances.
Bitches like you crush games that try to push the limits. Ultimas, System Shock, Tribes, any game that requires more than 30 seconds of thought and a manual most dumb shits like yourself, can't handle.
You sir, don't understand anything and are one of those directly reponsible for the downfall of PC games the last few years.
Do you really thînk by buying EA games that you will help the current situation. The only result of your action is that EA's strategy is confirmed by your "I buy anything from EA to keep PC gaming alive" mentality and that EA will spend even more money to develop countless expansion packs and "buggy until patched 10 times" style games.
This unfortunately will NOT help the current devastating situation the PC market is in right now but only endanger it even more.
Funny, the games you named are some of the last games released in the better gaming period the industry was in a few years ago which is now extinct because EA bought all the big creative developping house and let them rot.
So, these games were not really the best examples you could have named to make your point, even less because I actually own System Shock 1 & 2 as also Tribes 1. I would love to see more games like these but unfortunately this is no longer possible because of EA. They now only make games based on franchises they can milk to death (the sims, madden, nfs, bf2...)
Too bad that people like you keep buying them because they believe that's how they can save the PC industry... what a joke, seriously.
If you really want to save the industry then you should only buy games like the amazing Psychonauts from small developpers like I did.
This comment was edited on Jul 14, 19:19.