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Premature Attacks The Case For And Against 25 To Life And Bully on Gamecloud looks at both sides of the debate over the upcoming life-of-crime game, offering quotes from publisher Rockstar as well as some of the folks attacking the game before its release.
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Re: Rockstar
Jul 1, 2005, 12:53
Re: Rockstar Jul 1, 2005, 12:53
Jul 1, 2005, 12:53
Rockstar is publishing Bully, the other game mentioned in the article.

Strange idea for a game really. I mean, how does a game like that play out? What is the appeal to the adult audience the game is obviously intended for? We'll have to see more of the game before we can pass judgement on it, but as a concept, even to me it seems like the developers just wanted to go to a subject that hits a nerve in nearly everyone purely to play off the emotions evoked therein.

Or maybe it'll just be a Sims-clone.

Jul 1, 2005, 11:06
Rockstar Jul 1, 2005, 11:06
Jul 1, 2005, 11:06
Actually, it's Eidos that's publishing 25 to Life, not Rockstar.

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