Yes I'm very stubborn, but if iD, Valve, and Crytek can do it, why can't EA?
Wow, I must have missed a bunch of games lately. What iD, Valve, and Crytek games supported large open maps with at 8+ land and air vehicles, and multiple character classes? Did I miss something? Crytek's Far Cry was beautiful (and large and open), but I don't remember more than one or two vehicles at a time in those levels. I also don't remember being able to play much more than 10 minutes in HL2 before the awesome graphics engine had to load a new level - and HL2DM couldn't be more vanilla or laggy. And Doom3...Doom3 didnt have large open maps OR vehichles.
BF2 is a great looking game for what it's pushing.
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