Ok, guy under me who things F.E.A.R demo on FP kicks ass is on crack. That was a POS demo right off the bat.
It helps when you back up your unsolicited opinions with a reason. Its a plain DM MP demo. It looks good, the opponents die when you shoot 'em, am I missing something?
I can tell u what I really like about it.
1. Shotgun is death up close. You walk into someone and get off a shot at close range and your target will be lucky to land in one piece. Sometimes his whole body just becomes a cloud of red mist.
2. Grenades. Everyone gets one grenade to start with. If you can see it when it explodes there is a effect similar to a slow motion explosion in action movies where a bubble is visible for a brief second. An awesome effect. Depending on how close you are when the grenade goes off you screen will shake and things will go blurry for a moment. Hitting someone with the grenade has sends parts flying everywhere.
3. Slow Motion Injector. There is a deathmatch mode where you can pick up an injection gun, while holding it you glow purple and are real attract a lot of attention. If it can charge before you die and you ativate it, everyone but you goes into slow motion and you get to move at normal speed. IT'S AWESOME. But it's very hard to stay alive long enough for it to charge.
4. H2H attacks. Melee attacks are something that until this game I rarely saw used online. You can punch, and do some type of flying kick that usually knocks an opponent out. Is very cool.
5. Mines and Remote controlled grenades. You can pick up remote grenades and throw them on the walls, then when players come round you can detonate them. Mines pop up off the floor and detonate with a fiery blast.
I could go on... It's really good. I've never found leaning around corners to be much use in deathmatch, however in this game lighting is something you can use to your advantage and I lean around corners a lot in hopes of nailing someone.
You will die quickly and often, this isn't the style of game where one player can run around grabbing health packs and stay alive for a long time, you will die, a lot. Some weapons seem overpowered like the machine gun, just point in the general direction and you'll probably nail someone. But after you get used to the fast and furious pace it becomes a lot of fun.
Unpaid Employee and Fanboy of DICE and anything BF2.