I think DICE might be surprised at how poorly this sells, or at least the amount of returns retail stores report. This is the sequel to one of the most widely popular games among casual gamers, and they have effectively cut off most of these gamers. Firstly, by making the game completely unplayable online with a modem, even though the original played fine with one. Secondly, by limiting the singleplayer into little more then a control and graphics tune-up for the multiplayer.
this is what is known in psych circles as "sour grapes"
this game will probably sell better than Doom3..
and as far as single player goes.. the game is made for online play - not single player, which is an afterthought at best... if you cant handle playing against actual people, there are tons of SP FPS games out there that are designed to be fun offline...
music from space captain:
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/6/errantways_music.htm http://www.soundclick.com/bands/4/invisibleacropolis_music.htm