In other news, F.E.A.R multiplayer beta, BLOWS! The hand/arm 1st person view graphics are garbage, and nothing was cool about it. Very lame, overhyped. Singleplayer might be another story though whocares when multi is where you go after single player. Thank you because now I can pass that up. Back to BF2!
I will have to disagree with you there - I found the multiplayer to be incredibly fun, one of the best experiences in a long time. Sure, the graphics blows; sure, the level design is blocky, boring and unoriginal (like Shogo, actually); sure, I have to disable shadows and volumetric lighting to get it to play well on my X800XL; but damn is it fun!
It is like Quake 3 with weapon reloads... though the weapons reloads are ridiculously quick.
It is very much a Quake-style arcadey deathmatch game and I found it very different to the rest of the multiplayer games out there (CS:S; Battlefield 2, etc). Also, the netcode is very good - I started a 6 player server on my ADSL line (just to test it out - I didn't know anyone else could join up to it) and suddenly it filled up and everyone had a ping of about 60-80; very fun.
I expect the singleplayer to completely blow, though... the stress-test story clip is shockingly bad. Just a shame the graphics are demanding and pretty poor and the level design is so... well, Quake 2 (lumpy and angular). Also, the graphics are a bit buggy (keeps forgetting my anti-aliasing setting) and everytime I crouch a small black tear appears in the screen. *shrugs*
9.5/10 for fun
5/10 for graphics
4/10 for performance
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Emotinomicon: Emoticons of the Dead
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."