Stable early, playtest early, fun early, polish for a long time...
Indeed, QA is part of the process from day 0.
Dentrassi, I think you might be skim-reading or misunderstanding a bit. Did I say playtesting is useless or has no place? No, so why did you waste 30 minutes writing that post, and apparently to me? Are you posting just for the sake of, well, saying a lot?
Testers don't assure quality games, they provide the data that developers need to fix bugs.
No. Sorry, but where I come from, QA is part of a total process - it's not just bug-hunting. It goes from design phase to development to production and post-production/support. I'm not sure who your half-assed QA people are, but if they're getting away with simple bug hunting, I sure hope they're not getting the salary I do, because that's not even remotely just.
As for "Binky" doing QA on Ultima IX - it's quite true, as I used to correspond with him about it. They had playtesters, but Binky was the department, by his own word.
Hehe, where's this guy coming from? Do you think that I, working in QA for years, would seek to attribute all problems to QA? I think you need to re-read a bit, and talk more after. So far, all you're doing is:
1. stating things I already stated,
2. taking contention with things I didn't say (misunderstanding completely),
3. assuming things you don't know, and
4. lecturing about things that one in your same field already knows.
Reading comprehension: it's not just for books anymore!
Edit: aldo_14 - no problemo man, don't mention it. Same to you, and no offense was taken (though I did sure jump up to defend quickly! hehe)
This comment was edited on Jun 17, 19:09.