It is true that trained professional QA testers...
That is a very insightful post and echoes what I have seen and read elsewhere.
However, blame for a poor quality product is not really the problem with video games today. It's the lack of liability. Almost no other industry can get away with foisting poor performing, misleading, and just plain shoddy products onto the buying public other than the software industry. EULA's, UCITA, and the lack of consumer protection laws specifically covering software shield software producers from liability when their products fail to perform as they should or as advertised. Yes, video games are an entertainment product, but even toy manufacturers have quality standards they must meet.
Until video game publishers are held liable by a court and punitively fined for misleading consumers with their shoddy products or until strict consumer protection legislation covering software is enacted, the quality problem is not going to be solved. The current system of "free market regulation" simply isn't working and doesn't work when virtually all of the competitors in the industry release poor quality products and literally have license to do so.
This comment was edited on Jun 17, 18:36.