Zeph: That'd be sponge, not Spooge
And yea, I admit I'm only arrogant when I know I'm right, so it happens kinda often. *ahem*
Actually, I was even impressed at some of the maps people are making with the engine, it seems there is no effective limit to the draw distance with Doom3. (The cityscape, while obviously couldn't be done with a Doom3 level of detail on each building is amazingly large, and the mars landscape with the 2 Doom guys is nothing short of amazing) I'm now left wondering if Source sticking to a BSP tree is really a huge mistake for the types of maps they were making, and for the general future of the engine.
The only thing Source really has over D3 is it's accurate pre-rendered lighting thanks to sticking with BSPs. You can do ambient lighting in D3, or have one huge light that doesn't cast shadows, so it's not like lighting these outdoor areas are going to be impossible (hell, look at the sunrise/sunset video. First time I've ever seen that in a shooter, although that red is a bit off. Amazing effect with the shadows.)
Zeph: I still disagree you with D3 = piece of shit though
But yes, Raven is promising Quake3 style deathmatch. I don't care if the single player is Pong with bumpmapping, if they get the speed of Q3 in Q4 DM, I'll be the first one to buy it. Doom3 is even doing 16 player multi - I saw a couple servers with 13 people, though God knows the quality of the game.