Brothers in Arms Demo Plans

The Gearbox Software Forums has details from Gearbox' Randy Pitchford about plans for the Brothers in Arms demo:
The demo will likely be two chapters with some information about other features and content that are available in the full game to go with it.

The first chapter will be a cut down version of the chapter we call "Rendevouz with Destiny" - it includes Baker's jump into Normandy, some link ups with notable characters and an introduction to control and combat. The demo version of this chapter is about half the size as the chapter in the full game.

The second chapter in the demo is from about half-way through the game. It is called "The Fall of St. Come". In this chapter, Baker, five of his squad plus the Plt. Sgt (Mac Hassey) and the radio opr (Pvt. Leggett - the guy with the glasses). You'll have a chance to understand some of the interesting characters and you'll get to do some great squad combat using fire and move tactics against combined arms (including infantry, mortars and other things we'd rather you discovered by playing).
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Re: No subject
Dec 25, 2004, 14:12
Re: No subject Dec 25, 2004, 14:12
Dec 25, 2004, 14:12
Cool, my first ever news submission makes it to the page

No subject
Dec 25, 2004, 07:04
No subject Dec 25, 2004, 07:04
Dec 25, 2004, 07:04
I only had a MSX (1) with a tapedeck.
To play all the cool C64 games I had to go over to a friends house

Looking forward to BiA but will try demo before I buy though...
"Porno laughs are not funny, ok?"
-David Brent-
Re: Yawn
Dec 25, 2004, 03:58
Re: Yawn Dec 25, 2004, 03:58
Dec 25, 2004, 03:58
The amiga wasn't released until 1987.

FYI the Amiga 1000 was released in 1985. The A500 and A2000 were released in 1987.

(For the record I still have my 2 C64's and an Amiga CDTV unit, my A500 was sadly junked a while back)

[No pixels were harmed in the making of this post.]
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WW games
Dec 25, 2004, 01:53
WW games Dec 25, 2004, 01:53
Dec 25, 2004, 01:53
Out of the dearth of WW games that have come out and are coming out, I will say that Brother in Arms:Road to Hill 30 is the only game that I am even remotely interested in.

As for the "when" question, the online release dates are current projecting it to ship in late February for PC, Xbox, and Playstation 2.
I hope it holds up well on all three platforms...
Up for something new,

Half-Life 2: All that and a bag of chips!
I love you, mom.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
Avatar 2647
Re: its ok
Dec 25, 2004, 01:28
Re: its ok Dec 25, 2004, 01:28
Dec 25, 2004, 01:28
i started this post by saying there are a TON of ww2 games out and still comming out with no end in site.

Just like there's a ton of Vietnam games (and still more enroute)? And sci-fi shooters set in space stations or far-flung planets? Or modern day military shooters? WW2 is by no means alone as an overused theme, so I fail to see why its so often the target of so much bitterness. And as I said before: no-one is being forced to buy or play WW2 games. Leave them for those who do enjoy them and go play something else. It's not rocket science to follow such logic.

my point was and still is the pc has alot of different catigories to choose from and i was giving the games mentioned as a example of that. You didnt read the post or didnt understand it cause i made no mention that i STILL want to play these older games just that the choices were vast, also i started this post by saying there are a TON of ww2 games out and still comming out with no end in site.

So what's the problem then?. If the PC has so much amazing variety as you state, then the fact that it churns out WW2 shooters every now and then shouldn't make shit difference to you, should it? After all, there's evidently alot of other games you can spend your dough on.

The amiga wasn't released until 1987. And many of those games were ports of C-64 games. The C-64 perfected computer gaming long before the Amiga was even thought of. I bought my C-64 in 1983 to replace my silly VIC-20 from '81.

Yes, I know. But if given the choice of playing said titles on a PC or an Amiga, it'd be the latter. I never had a C64 - wound up with an Amstrad CPC instead. It lacked the sound capabilities of the Commodore, but it still cranked out some excellent games and shared most of the titles that the C64 had. Either way, it was a step up from the 16K ZX Spectrum

This comment was edited on Dec 25, 01:31.
Merry Xmas btw
Dec 24, 2004, 23:42
Merry Xmas btw Dec 24, 2004, 23:42
Dec 24, 2004, 23:42
If i sound bitter its cause i have the Xmas blues dont mean to offend anyone cause i love this country and the ppl in it too even though i sound like im angry i just want a better world for us all and on top of that no more war. so merry christmas to all and may you all get the game you want this year.

Dec 24, 2004, 23:25
WW2 Dec 24, 2004, 23:25
Dec 24, 2004, 23:25
Hey brother go F yourself ive got my opinion as far as things go and while they dont fit in with the mass i still think the points i made are valid and just, so either shape up or ship the F out.

Re: No subject
Dec 24, 2004, 22:32
Re: No subject Dec 24, 2004, 22:32
Dec 24, 2004, 22:32
It's about squad based game play, command and control, fire and move...
Like H&D1 and H&D2

The techical aspects sound intresting, but the engine seems limiting.

I can't wait for a real eugenics movement, i'm bored by short people.
I'll sell your memories for fifty pounds per year.
Dec 24, 2004, 20:47
Re: Dec 24, 2004, 20:47
Dec 24, 2004, 20:47
You are such a fucking idiot, Cheese.... I'm actually lost for words to explain it.... On the plus side, people like you make the us at war easier to take.... I'll sleep better knowing there's a chance, however remote, that it could lead to your demise....

No subject
Dec 24, 2004, 20:17
No subject Dec 24, 2004, 20:17
Dec 24, 2004, 20:17
Really looking forward to this demo

Re: Yawn
Dec 24, 2004, 19:59
Re: Yawn Dec 24, 2004, 19:59
Dec 24, 2004, 19:59
I remember going to my friend's house to play Starflight on his HP while I had an Atari ST. Very immersive game. The 3-D landings and the joy of watching the Spemin (sp?) go from bulleys to groveling.

Re: its ok
Dec 24, 2004, 19:49
Re: its ok Dec 24, 2004, 19:49
Dec 24, 2004, 19:49
It's official. Cheese is an absolute moron who knows less than his namesake. He doesn't know what else to do, so he makes a "valiant" attempt to attack poor American stereotypes, as if any of it is true.

That is if you can even read it - I only read the first and last sentances, and only saw stuff like chop down trees and war. Damn kids must be on their winter break. Do you realize how stupid the things you say really are? I don't see how anyone can't.

Anyway, with that unpleasantry aside, cmon Randy, give us some sort of timeframe! It's Christmas, you wouldn't want to be a grinch now!

Re: Yawn
Dec 24, 2004, 19:36
Re: Yawn Dec 24, 2004, 19:36
Dec 24, 2004, 19:36
<<<Still hopeing for a StarControl remake>>>

<<<But now all we get are copycat games cause we live in a copycat world >>>

How would a Star Control remake be any less "copycat"?

Incidentally, I loved Star Control and they would get my money any day. But, what I'd really like to see is another Starflight!

Re: No subject
Dec 24, 2004, 19:33
Re: No subject Dec 24, 2004, 19:33
Dec 24, 2004, 19:33
<<<I just can't help but feel like I already played this game when it was called "Medal of Honor." And then again when it was called "Call of Duty." >>>

If you play BiA expecting CoD or MoH, you are going to be really disappointed. It's a totally different kind of game - not at all a run and gun shooter. It's about squad based game play, command and control, fire and move...

If you're looking for another CoD or MoH, move along...

Re: Yawn
Dec 24, 2004, 19:09
Re: Yawn Dec 24, 2004, 19:09
Dec 24, 2004, 19:09
I have many fond memories of my C64. I would do anything to get the excitement back that I used to get when I played a great game for my C64 (Beach-Head II comes to mind). Now that it's Christmas Eve I can't help but think back to that Christmas from the early 80's when I first got my C64 and I purchased the disk drive from the money I got from my paper route tip money. After hooking it up the first game I loaded up was 'Impossible Mission' it truly was pure gaming bliss for me. Man, that's the excitement and magic that I am craving for again to re-kindle my passion for gaming. Maybe I'm too old now, I certainly hope not!

"When all thats left is console gaming, I will game no more."
Avatar 16493
its ok
Dec 24, 2004, 18:54
its ok Dec 24, 2004, 18:54
Dec 24, 2004, 18:54
that you totally missed the point there but thats expected outta you young ppl weened on playstation, my point was and still is the pc has alot of different catigories to choose from and i was giving the games mentioned as a example of that.
You didnt read the post or didnt understand it cause i made no mention that i STILL want to play these older games just that the choices were vast, also i started this post by saying there are a TON of ww2 games out and still comming out with no end in site.
Sure Russian and Polish and Swedish and The entire European mass makes a FPS title every now and then but America makes either Killing Sex or Sports titles nothing in between that all we are , a bunch of rehashed used up copycating bloated pompus fools who has not made anything innovative in years.

Go back and take your viagra or eat more Fat causeing foods and finish sucking up the rest of the worlds oil reserves too, while youre at it chop down a few more trees and start more wars with countries that had nothing to do with starting trouble with you yeah yeah proud america huh.

And you see what making another WW2 title made me do lol now lets put this copycat stuff to rest already.

Oh and btw if this country was so in to doing the right thing there are 6 thousand ppl dying in Africa each week and all we do is send a little aid and pay lip service hehe
Oh yeah and crank out another WW2 shooter.

Re: Yawn
Dec 24, 2004, 18:18
Re: Yawn Dec 24, 2004, 18:18
Dec 24, 2004, 18:18
Except that if I wanted to play any of the above, I'd go for the Amiga versions instead of the PC. In those days, PC games were often inferior ports of Amiga originals (esp with the PCs shitty sound capabilities).

The amiga wasn't released until 1987. And many of those games were ports of C-64 games. The C-64 perfected computer gaming long before the Amiga was even thought of. I bought my C-64 in 1983 to replace my silly VIC-20 from '81.

This comment was edited on Dec 24, 18:20.
Re: No subject
Dec 24, 2004, 17:51
Re: No subject Dec 24, 2004, 17:51
Dec 24, 2004, 17:51
Looking forward to this one. This from someone who skipped all the MOH's and COD's and whatever elses.

Re: Yawn
Dec 24, 2004, 16:53
Re: Yawn Dec 24, 2004, 16:53
Dec 24, 2004, 16:53
ok ok ill give you that and yes they are all fun but after awhile you start to wonder is this all american developers want to feed us is shooting or killing something?

Eh? Why do you think it's only the American developers? There are plenty of 'shooting or killing' games from Europe and Russia as well.

but the PC use to be a place of vast choices in which FPS or RTS were only a small part of the choices that were avialible, games like MULE, ADVENTURE CONSTRUCTION SET, MAIL ORDER MONSTERS, ARCHON,STARFLIGHT,DUNGEON MASTER,ELITE,ULTIMA,WIZADRY,STUNT TRACK RACER,THE PAWN,SUNDOG..

Except that if I wanted to play any of the above, I'd go for the Amiga versions instead of the PC. In those days, PC games were often inferior ports of Amiga originals (esp with the PCs shitty sound capabilities).

But now all we get are copycat games cause we live in a copycat world where all are lazy and even if we get a innovative title like Morrowind or Black & White most of the innovation is gone from this cut and dry stagnit corporate desicion makeing gurus that are flooding the market with ME TOO titles and the sad truth is most if not all of the present gamers dont even relize there being used and abused and dupped.

Originality and innovation are not a guaranteed money-makers - so companies will rehash what has worked in the past. In the days when games were cheaper to make (and, indeed, some people were coding games from their bedrooms and garages), the financial risks were far less than they are today. You don't just throw a few million at an unproven but original concept and hope for the best. Sad, but true.

Now who in here even heard of Elite or DUNGEONMASTER? thought so.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but not everyone who posts here is some spotty, clueless teen weened on Playstation games. I've been playing computer games since the early Eighties and I'm more than familiar with Elite (which I found to be dull, classic or not) and Dungeon Master (which was good, but I thought Eye Of The Beholder was superior). That said, if I really want to play either of those games, I can dig out an Amiga emulator and be running them in a minute or two...

Re: Yawn
Dec 24, 2004, 15:39
Re: Yawn Dec 24, 2004, 15:39
Dec 24, 2004, 15:39
Fact of the matter is, they don't make enough money.

Nice little tease about the demo.....when the hell will it be released?

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