Ryan Gordon's IcculusFinger
Frans), the original source for recent stories about GameSpy Mac support
story and
story), has more on the problems caused
by increased license fees for the Mac edition of GameSpy ("This is literally the
only showstopper in ArmyOps 2.2.1 for the Mac. If I had a GameSpy license, I
could recompile the game and ship it. As it stands, there isn't a clear or
simple solution to this problem in the 2.2.1 timeframe."). The Mac programmer
outlines why you can't just "rip GameSpy out," and the problems that would be
caused even if you could. After a lengthy discussion of obstacles facing Mac
GameSpy support going forward, he also outlines his thoughts on addressing the
The longer term solutions involve an act of subversion.
Namely, someone needs to step up: develop and market a product that replaces
GameSpy. It's not a secret that GameSpy's SDK doesn't have any real competition
at the moment. It's also not a secret that most PC developers would shed no
tears for GameSpy if a better alternative came along. I will be daring and say a
small, modestly-funded team could pull this off, and if they hit the right PC
developers, could gain critical mass with a quickness. The obvious choices for
this, if we're being Mac-centric, are either Aspyr or Destineer. I would suggest
this might be best done by an independent company that has no sort of Apple
affliation as their primary interest... you don't have to like the fact that PC
developers have an irrational fear of Mac-oriented companies...and I don't want
to have this fight about Linux clients five years from now. Getting a good
Triple-A title on the PC to ship with this, Mac port or not, makes this much
more intriguing to everyone else, though. After all, there're plenty of reasons
to ditch GameSpy on the PC, too; this Mac episode just illustrates it...they
could always inflate their prices universally. Smart developers will take notice
now when it's still someone else's problem...because tomorrow, it could be
their's, too.