Out of the Blue

As the frost sets in around these parts, I am beginning to make more use of my space heater again, and for whatever reason, Hudson the wonder dog's affection for this device only grows stronger over time. This is all in spite of her general disdain for warmth, she comes as soon she hears it fire up and stands about 2½ feet closer to the heat source than the three feet recommended on the warning label. So, once again I put out the advance warning... if you are in the Westchester area and you see a flaming Airedale Terrier running towards you, I'll be perpetually grateful if you could throw a bucket of water or a blanket over her.

Play Time: Online Ping-Pong. Thanks FiringSquad.
Links of the Day: Ballooning into the Sky. Thanks Aaron.
Gizmodo | Toyoto i-foot and i-unit. Thanks the bowerbird.
Stories of the Day: Police Follow Doughnut Trail, Solve Crime.
Utah Man Pays $82 Fine in Pennies.
Bones Suggest Women Went to War in Ancient Iran.
Science!: 'We will be able to live to 1,000'. Thanks Warren.
Scientists Reverse Paralysis in Dogs.
Article: Teenagers fail to see the consequences. Stop the presses.
Auction of the Day: TITANIC OCEAN LINER DECORATIVE PLATE SHIP MEMORABILIA. As described here and here. Thanks Kar.
Thanks Mike Martinez and Ant.
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Re: Cat Fire
Dec 4, 2004, 17:04
Re: Cat Fire Dec 4, 2004, 17:04
Dec 4, 2004, 17:04

I remember I went to visit my aunt in England and their cat had an acident with the space heater, her tail got alittle too close to the element and started on fire... there she was walking around the room with a little flame on the end of her tail until my dad with the newspaper saw her and swated out the flame with his paper... i must say it was quite shocking, but the cat didnt even notice so it was all gewd!

Your story reminded me of one in my family. My mother had this Burmese cat that was ALWAYS cold. One day, my mother was prepping steaks to go in the broiler of the oven.

(In case anyone doesn't know what a broiler is...) On US ovens (not sure if the whole world is like this), there's a small slide out tray at the bottom front of the oven, right above the floor. You set the oven to "Broil" and it's a place to cook steaks (not the best, like on a grill, but that's not the point of this story). You pull the door open, put your steaks on the (removable) tray, close it, and they cook.

ANYWAY...my mother had this door open , had the oven set to broil, and had the tray on the top of the oven, putting the steaks on the tray. She finishes, and as she's about to slide the tray back into the broiler, SOMETHING goes shooting out of the broiler at a very high speed.

That something was the Burmese cat. Apparently he was cold, wandered by at the wrong moment, and wandered into the broiler. Amazingly, he was no worse for the wear, other than all the fur on his back was singed (which, as I was a kid at the time, thought felt REALLY funny, compared to how cat hair usually feels)...

The cat went on to live a normal life, but it took a year or two for all the singed fur to grow out...

Dec 4, 2004Dec 4 2004
Dec 4, 2004Dec 4 2004
Dec 4, 2004Dec 4 2004
Dec 4, 2004Dec 4 2004
Dec 4, 2004Dec 4 2004
 Re: Cat Fire
Dec 4, 2004Dec 4 2004
Dec 4, 2004Dec 4 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004
Dec 5, 2004Dec 5 2004