Not to Blizzard: Having three minutes of lag to thirty seconds of game time is not fun.
You can not switch characters between servers.
Anyway, screw all of you then, Matthew.
I am level thirteen and
no way am I going through all that again, especially since this is all a repeat of what I did before.
I would speculate that you intentionally picked a crowded server so as to avoid my
ongoing harassment wonderful comradeship!
Meanwhile, WTF is up with the skills, particularly the warrior? Ok, you do have different stances, but...maybe they are different...maybe they are the same...we are still sorting that all out...
Still disliking the skill non-point system,
Whom actually got down to 160ms today-----
Half-Life 2:
All that and a bag of chips! love you, mom.
Everything is awesome!!! love you, mom.